In­di­vidu­al writ­ing con­sulta­tion

for international students and academics

Individual writing counselling is an offer for

  • international students, doctoral candidates and academics at Paderborn University,
  • exchange students from partner universities,
  • German learners of the DSH courses,

who write their texts in German and would like a contact person for their individual questions and concerns about writing and academic work.


The writing counselling service is completely confidential and free of charge and is suitable for beginners as well as experienced writers.

In a writing consultation, you can talk to a trained writing consultant on site or online about your questions and concerns.


In an open dialogue at eye level, we will support you if you

  • are looking for a suitable topic for your work and/or want to narrow down the topic
  • want to develop a research question,
  • want to discuss the planning and structure of your writing project,
  • want to learn how to deal with literature and link what you have read with your own thoughts,
  • need support with formulating and/or revising,
  • have questions about grammar or academic style,
  • need constructive feedback on structure, comprehensibility or linguistic appropriateness,
  • would like to look into writing and/or language learning strategies in German,
  • want to optimise your writing process,
  • have further questions.


We can advise you on all types of texts that are written in academic and/or professional contexts, such as

  • term papers and seminar papers
  • exposés
  • minutes and reports
  • handouts and thesis papers
  • Bachelor's and Master's theses
  • applications
  • etc.
  • correction/proofreading of entire papers
  • advice on content, as this can only be provided by your thesis supervisor
  • advice on empirical data collection and analysis, as this depends on the subject area in which you are researching

We do not offer individual writing counselling for people whose first language is German. The team at the ‘Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben’ (link: /en/university/kompetenzzentrum-schreiben) is responsible for this. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact them.

The counselling sessions are held in German and are possible from A2/B1. All languages brought along are welcome as a resource in the consultation. Depending on the language skills of the writing consultants, counselling can also take place in languages other than German. Just drop us a message!

Consultation appointments are offered throughout the semester in presence and online (on request).


You can book your appointment at KW.23.007 Schreib-Treff or via email to


You are also welcome to bring brief questions and other concerns to the open consultation hour with short questions and other concerns.

Stu­dents writ­ing con­sult­ants

Nicole von Prondzinski
Katrin N?tzel
Katharina Rechenberg
Malin Müller
Tarek Borghoff