CLC-In­ter­me­di­ate: for 6 cred­it courses

You will receive six credits for this course, although you will be taught for only 2 hours per week.

The extra work that you are expected to complete includes 20 hours spent on learning English. The Language Centre (ZfS) has five different activities on offer. You can choose to do as many as you like as long as they include a minimum of 10 hours on independent study(Autonomes Lernen in der Mediathek "klassisch").

Please download the

learning journal/logbook

in which you can keep a log of the work you have done and get it signed by the teacher/member of staff who is in charge.

Please note that this is not something that you can do in the last week of the course. We expect you to spend a minimum of one hour per week on the activities throughout the course of the semester.