Turkish - Türk?e

Merhaba, Paderborn ?niversitesi Dilmerkezi'ndeki Türk?e kurslar?na ho? geldiniz!

Hello and welcome to the Turkish courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

The course introduces the use of the Turkish language over four semesters; participants learn to master linguistic communication in everyday situations. The main aim is to develop communicative competence both receptively (listening/reading comprehension) and productively (speaking/writing skills). In addition, a realistic picture of today's Turkey is to be conveyed through a contrastive presentation of everyday life.
The course content is adapted to the respective requirements of the participants. Depending on this, different teaching/learning materials and didactic media will be used.

For general information on enrolment and assessment, please read here.

Four levels are offered: Turkish I and III in the winter semester, Turkish II and IV in the summer semester.

"Career changers" who have already acquired previous knowledge of Turkish can consult the lecturer before choosing a course.

Learners with no previous knowledge choose course I / A1 / A1.1. Cross-entry to higher levels is possible: please use the global scale as a guide for self-assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the ZfS team(zfs@upb.de), who will forward your enquiry to the appropriate teacher if necessary.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that you are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

The book Günaydin - Einführung in die moderne türkische Sprache (IBSN: 3-88226-263-x) is currently used as a textbook.

  • Course I: Introduction, chapters 1-7 ofGünaydin
  • Course II: Repetition of the structures learnt, consolidation from chapter 7 onwards
  • Course III: Repetition, consolidation from chapter 10 onwards
  • Course IV: Repetition, consolidation from chapter 12 onwards
Hinweis an die Redakteure: Der Inhalt enth?lt nicht erlaubte Elemente und wurde daher ausgeblendet.