Span­ish A2

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)


Participation in Spanish A1 or proof of comparable previous knowledge (A1 level)

Learning objectives

The course is orientated towards level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All skills are practised; the textbook used is "Aula internacional 2 Neu".


Students understand basic information, e.g. in

- simple everyday conversations between two people

- simple radio programmes

- simple messages, statements or announcements about cultural events


Students will be able to read simple texts and dialogues and, for example

- identify the most important events in a biography written using simple means

- search for specific information in adverts, brochures, recipes, travel guides, advertisements, newspapers or magazines and biographies

- understand an email from a fellow student, friend or family member

Oral interaction

Oral interaction in everyday situations is practised so that students can, for example

- take part in conversations about family, holidays or studies

- be able to talk to others about their physical condition and communicate, e.g. at the doctor's surgery

- be able to justify, apologise and say thank you

- be able to ask a friend for objects or a favour

- be able to ask someone for permission and give permission

- be able to give and ask for advice

Oral production

Students will be able to, for example

- talk about learning difficulties

- describe family and friends (talk about appearance, character, similarities and relationships)

- describe their own home and compare it with others

- describe habits, living conditions and actions in the past, present and future


Students will be able to

- write a simple email to a fellow student, friend or family member

- write about everyday situations in the past and future plans

- write about topics related to personal needs and interests (e.g. home, hobbies, social life, food, holidays)

- write simple notes, e.g. about a picture

- fill in forms (e.g. at a language school)

- give advice in internet forums

Grammatical focus

- Past tenses

- the difference between desde, desde hace and hace

- the use of me/te... cuesta(n), parecer(se), llevarse bien/ mal, pasárselo bien/ mal

- Comparative clauses

- estar + gerundio

- ir + a + infinitive

- me / te.. gustaría + infinitive

- the difference between ya and todavía no and ya no and todavía

- the difference between ser and estar

- Pretérito perfecto, Indefinido and Imperfecto

The skills and linguistic means acquired and practised at this level enable students to receive and produce simple texts and to communicate in fields related to personal needs and interests.

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)

- written examination of approx. 90 min

- oral examination lasting approx. 10 min

ECTS points

Regular attendance and passing the written exam: 6 ECTS

UNIcert? Basis

Passing the written exam and an oral exam of approx. 10 minutes for UNIcert? candidates