French B1 com­pact

Scope/semester hours per week A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)
Prerequisites Participation in French A2 compact or proof of comparable prior knowledge
Listening Students will be able to

- follow an everyday conversation if spoken clearly and using standard language

- understand straightforward factual information on common everyday or study-related topics

- understand the main points in interviews and other radio programmes (if spoken relatively slowly and clearly


Students learn to

- understand satisfactorily and adequately uncomplicated non-fiction texts on topics related to their own interests and departments

- understand the main points of uncomplicated newspaper articles on familiar topics

- follow the plot of clearly structured stories

take part in conversations / speak coherently

The students practise

- report on events and their own experiences

- express their opinions (e.g. on abstract or cultural topics), formulate arguments

- take part in discussions on familiar topics

- formulate conditions and hypotheses


Students learn to

- write short, coherent, structured texts/reports/short articles on familiar topics from their field of interest

Grammatical focus

- subjonctif

- plus-que parfait

- conditionnel passé

- si-sentences

- Passive voice

- discours rapporté

- passé simple

- gérondif