Reading comprehension (70 minutes)

Four tasks with a total of 36 questions on various texts from the private, professional and scientific fields (letters to the editor, newspaper articles, business letters, travel guides, literary texts, etc.).

Listening comprehension (40 minutes)

Five tasks with a total of 30 questions on short monologues, interviews, dialogues between two people, lectures, etc. from the private, professional and scientific fields.

Written expression (80 minutes)

Task 1:

Based on a listening text, write an essay in a formal or informal style, presenting ideas and arguments in a clear, detailed and well-structured way (150-180 words). Language style and guidelines of the text genre should be taken into account.

Task 2:

Based on a text or graph/table, write a formal essay (e.g. letter to the editor for magazine or daily newspaper, blog) with a clear, detailed and well-structured argument (150-180 words). There are two topics to choose from.

Oral expression (20 minutes)

Task 1:

Presentation (4-5 minutes) on a problem with a choice of two topics with a series of proposed solutions.

Task 2:

Short presentation (3-4 minutes) on one of a choice of two situations (e.g. photo, advert).

Task 3:

Short, informal discussion with the examiner on a given topic (e.g. graphic) lasting 3-4 minutes.

The candidate has 20 minutes preparation time for tasks 1 and 2.

--> Original and sample examinations