Swedish B1.2

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Swedish B1.1 or proof of comparable prior knowledge

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • Listening

If standard language is spoken, students will be able to follow the following situations:

  • with programmes on television or radio e.g. news, programmes about current affairs in Sweden. The basic information should be understood.
  • with oral instructions (e.g. operating instructions for an appliance)
  • when listening to an answering machine
  • when listening to a lecture on a familiar


  • Reading

Students will be able to read texts and dialogues and grasp the main points, e.g.

  • uncomplicated newspaper articles and reports on current news, films, books, health, leisure interests, students in Sweden
  • argumentative texts from students' departments

    and to search for specific information in texts, present summaries of texts and follow instruction manuals

  • Oral interaction

Oral interaction in different situations is practised so that students can, for example

  • report on a problem (e.g. at the International Office at the university, at the police station, in a hotel, hospital, etc.)
  • be able to defend their own point of view in a discussion
  • be able to interview fellow students with the help of a questionnaire
  • Oral production

Students will be able to pass on descriptions and information, e.g.

  • give presentations on a topic related to their studies or future profession
  • name characteristics and qualities of a person

  • Writing

Students should be able to

  • write letters (standard letters) to important institutions at the university
  • write an argumentative text
  • write a report on an experienced or fictitious event (e.g. report on a semester abroad)
  • write and answer an enrolment/advertisement

Proof of performance through

  • regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)
  • written examination of approx. 105 min
  • oral examination lasting approx. 10 min.
  • additional services if applicable

ECTS points

  • Regular attendance, passing the written and oral examinations: 3 ECTS credits
  • In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work