French - Fran?ais

Bonjour et bienvenue aux cours de fran?ais du Centre d'enseignement des langues de l'université de Paderborn.

Hello and welcome to the French courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

For general information on enrolment and certificates of achievement, please read here.

There are courses for beginners as well as courses for learners with previous knowledge at different levels.
If you have no previous knowledge, you can quickly learn the basics in the "French A1 compact" course (4 SWS). This course is offered in the winter semester and is aimed exclusively at beginners WITHOUT previous knowledge.

For more information on the course content, please click on the course name in the table below.
Please note that the information on the textbooks may change.

No. Course name (incl. target level)
L.ZfS.06011 French A1 compact
L.ZfS.06013 French A2 compact
L.ZfS.06015 French B1 compact
L.ZfS.06007 French B2.1
L.ZfS.06008 French B2.2
L.ZfS.06009 French B2.3
L.ZfS.06010 French B2.4
L.ZfS.06000 French Conversation

Up to level B2, the courses build on each other; only the courses B2.1-B2.4 can be attended in a different order, here the numbering is merely a recommendation.
In addition, students with previous knowledge of French can practise speaking and taking part in conversations in a conversation course.


Students with previous knowledge of French who are attending a French course at the ZfS for the first time are placed with the help of a compulsory placement test, for which they must register via PAUL during the first enrolment phase. In the second registration phase, students can then register for a course that corresponds to their level (test result).
Students who have already successfully completed a course can register directly for the follow-up course.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that students are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

The course material will be announced during the course.

Hinweis an die Redakteure: Der Inhalt enth?lt nicht erlaubte Elemente und wurde daher ausgeblendet.