Ger­man for in­ter­na­tion­al em­ploy­ees

Experience German together, broaden horizons, build bridges: Language course programme at all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2) for international employees

Do you not yet have any knowledge of German?
Register directly for the next A1.1 course. If there is currently no course on offer, please contact
Note: Outside the regular course times, we offer the intensive skills training programme "Arriving in Paderborn".

Do you already have German language skills?
An online test is required for placement. Please click here:

At the end of the test, your level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) will be displayed and you can register for the corresponding course.
If you are still unsure, please make an appointment with Sigrid Peitz.




Target group


German language course A1.1

14/10/2024 until 07/02/2025

International employees


German language course A2.1

21/10/2024 until 14/02/2025

International employees


German language course A2.2

21/10/2024 until 14/02/2025

International employees


German language course B1

22/10/2024 until 14/02/2025

International employees


German course B2

21/10/2024 until 14/02/2024

International employees


If the course you need is not offered, please use this form to report additional needs.

Sigrid Peitz, M.A.

More about the person