Span­ish B2.3

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Spanish B2.2 or proof of comparable prior knowledge (B2.2 level)

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B2.3 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All skills are practised, the textbook used is "Aula internacional 5 Nueva Edición".


In the course, students familiarise themselves with the following types of text:

- Radio programmes

- interviews

- Argumentative discussions


Students will be able to read more complex texts and understand the main points, e.g.

- Articles, features and reports on current topics

- Advertising campaigns

- Literary texts (stories, poems, comics)

Oral interaction

Oral interaction in various situations is practised so that students can, for example

- talk spontaneously and fluently about the causes, consequences and solutions to a problem

- discuss controversial topics

Oral production

Students are enabled to talk clearly and in detail

- talk about their own experiences in the past

- provide information about themselves in the context of a job advertisement

- express a point of view on a topic

- give a presentation about a historical event


Students should be able to, for example

- write a report on a significant event

- propose solutions to current problems in formal texts

Grammatical focus

- Final sentences

- Indirect speech (correlación temporal)

- the imperfecto de indicativo

- Different expressions for cancelling an action(justo, justo cuando, estar a punto de...)

- Nominalisation of verbs and adjectives

- The futuro compuesto

- Temporal sentences

The skills and linguistic resources acquired and practised at this level enable students to receive and produce demanding (clear and detailed) texts. In addition, spontaneous and fluent conversation with native speakers is possible.

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (attendance records are kept)

- Written exam lasting approx. 135 min

- Oral examination lasting approx. 15 min

- if necessaryadditional achievements

ECTS points

- Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 3ECTS

- In some degree programmesadditional achievementsthe acquisition of an additional ECTS point is possible