
Oi! Bem-vindos aos cursos de português no centro de línguas da Universidade de Paderborn.

Olá! Bem-vindos aos cursos de português no centro de línguas da Universidade de Paderborn.

Hello and welcome to the Portuguese courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

For general information on enrolment and assessment, please read here.

Students acquire the ability to communicate orally and in writing in Portuguese, i.e. to talk about everyday and cultural topics, retell short texts and express their opinions in discussions. They learn about the regional studies, history, culture and literature of Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries. Students also learn about the differences between Portuguese from Portugal and Brazil.

Three levels are offered: Portuguese I, II and III. There is also a conversation course.
The following grammatical topics are covered in the individual courses, taking into account regional and cultural aspects:

  • Portuguese I: sounds and letters; present and perfect indicative of regular and (frequently used) irregular verbs; meaning and use of "ser" and "estar"; immediate future; simple dialogues, e.g. for small talk and typical holiday situations.
  • Portuguese II: Perfect and imperfect tenses; future and reflexive verbs. Small essays and text summaries are also written in this course.
  • Portuguese III: This course is aimed at students who have already completed the first two courses. Further grammar chapters are added to the first two courses. In addition, simple texts on current cultural, economic and everyday topics from Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries will be studied. The aim of this course is to use the vocabulary learnt in the previous courses in essays and conversations.
  • Portuguese Conversation: Selected texts from the fields of culture, business, literature and current topics from Portugal and Brazil serve as a basis for conversation.

Learners with no previous knowledge choose course I / A1 / A1.1. Cross-entry to higher levels is possible: please use the global scale as a guide for self-assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the ZfS team(zfs@upb.de), who will forward your enquiry to the appropriate teacher if necessary.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that you are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

The textbook Olá Portugal - Portuguese for beginners (Klett) is used in all courses: Portuguese 1: Lessons 1-6; Portuguese 2: Lessons 7-13; Portuguese 3: Lessons 14-20.