Course rooms

The ZfS language courses take place in various seminar rooms in Building I of Paderborn University.

This page presents the rooms in which the majority of the language courses take place,
because the facilities are particularly suitable for language teaching:

Mul­ti­me­dia lan­guage labor­at­ory I3.107

Mul­ti­me­dia lan­guage labor­at­ory I3.119

Sem­in­ar room I3.413

Sem­in­ar room I3.213

Sem­in­ar room I3.203

Of­fice, coun­selling and ex­am­in­a­tion room I3.410


In­struc­tion videos for the mul­ti­me­dia labs

Here you can find the instruction videos for the multimedia labs I3.107 and I3.119 (with English subtitles). The videos are divided into three groups and can be accessed via the following links: