Italian - Italiano

Ciao e benvenuti ai corsi di italiano del Centro per l'insegnamento delle lingue dell'Università di Paderborn!

Hello and welcome to the Italian courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

General information on course enrolment and course certificates can be found here.

Different levels are offered (depending on demand). Courses for beginners (Italian I) only take place in the winter semester.
Courses I-IV cover levels A1 and A2.
Courses V-VIII cover levels B1 and B2.

Italian - Comunicazione orale:
The Italian - Comunicazione orale course is aimed at students who have reached at least A2 level (e.g. by attending the Italian IV course).
In the first session, participants are interviewed in order to adapt the programme to their interests and needs.
The course is offered on an internally differentiated basis: Language structures that lead to B1 level are introduced or repeated, but topics for discussion are also offered that may also interest advanced participants.

Learners with no previous knowledge choose course I / A1 / A1.1. Cross-entry to higher levels is possible: please use the global scale as a guide for self-assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the ZfS team(, who will forward your enquiry to the appropriate teacher if necessary.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that you are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

  • Italian I: Universitalia 2.0 A1/A2 chapters 1-2
  • Italian II: Universitalia 2.0 A1/A2 chapters 3-4 (level A1 achieved)
  • Italian III: Universitalia 2.0 A1/A2 chapters 5-6
  • Italian IV: Universitalia 2.0 A1/A2 chapters 7-8 (level A2 achieved)
  • Italian V: Universitalia 2.0 B1/B2 chapters 1-2
  • Italian VI: Universitalia 2.0 B1/B2 chapters 3-4 (level B1 achieved)
  • Italian VII: Universitalia 2.0 B1/B2 chapters 5-6
  • Italian VIII: Universitalia 2.0 B1/B2 chapters 7-8 (level B2 is started but not completed)
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