Swedish A1

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


No previous knowledge

Learning objectives

The course is orientated towards level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Listening

With the help of everyday, slowly spoken short dialogues, students practise understanding basic information, e.g.

  • how another person is doing, why they are learning Swedish and what they like about Sweden
  • information about another person's family, interests, holiday job/internship, studies and address
  • simple directions
  • Reading

Students will be able to read simple texts and dialogues and, for example

  • match headlines or pictures to a simple news text, classified adverts or an advertising text
  • Understand a menu in a café or canteen with help
  • Oral interaction

Oral interaction in everyday situations is practised so that students can, for example

  • tell a conversation partner something about themselves: How you are, why you want to learn Swedish and what you like about Sweden
  • order something in a coffee shop or restaurant,
  • be able to name shopping preferences and do the shopping
  • be able to enquire about various institutions in a city (e.g. places of interest) and a university (e.g. International Office)
  • be able to describe the daily routine in simple sentences
  • Oral production

Students will be able to pass on simple descriptions and information, e.g.

  • give other people information about their family, interests, holiday job/internship, studies and address.

  • Writing

Students should be able to

  • fill in simple forms (name, nationality, occupation/study etc.)
  • register for a sports course, music lessons and at university
  • write a postcard from their holiday

Proof of performance through

  • regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)
  • written examination of approx. 85 min
  • oral examination of approx. 10 min.
  • additional services if necessary

ECTS points

  • Regular attendance, passing the written and oral examinations: 3 ECTS credits
  • In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work