Sem­in­ar room I3.203

The large seminar room I3.203 offers space for 30 learners and is suitable for a variety of teaching scenarios thanks to its flexible furnishings and movable board system.

In addition to four large pylon boards (whiteboards), the room is equipped with board rails to which not only the (magnetic) square whiteboards (reverse side: pinboards), but also posters and flipcharts can be attached.

Various devices can be connected to the projector installed on the ceiling via the media cabinet; VGA and DVI cables are available. A laptop and an iPad can be borrowed from the ZfS media centre.

A CD player and an overhead projector complete the equipment.

- 30 seats
- pylon boards (whiteboards)
- small boards (whiteboards/pinboards) on two walls
- projector
- overhead projector