Courses for em­ploy­ees in oth­er lan­guages

Communicate with international students, colleagues and visiting academics,
gain insights into other cultures:
Offers for employees in other languages

You have no previous knowledge of the target language:
The next course labelled A1 (or A1.1) is the right one for you.


Do you already have previous knowledge?
To find out your language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), you can take the following online tests. Make a note of the result (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

For other languages, please contact Management, who will put you in touch with the relevant teacher if necessary.



Important note:
If the language/course you require is not offered, please use this form to register additional requirements.

Level / Course

Course start and end date

Course information

Enrolment form
Spanish A1.1 08.04.-16.07.24 This course teaches the basics of Spanish, practising all skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing). Participants learn to communicate in a simple way and to understand simple statements and texts on topics from everyday life. The textbook Aula internacional 1 will be used, thematic focuses will be discussed with the participants. Enrolment Spanish A1.1
Spanish B1 08.04.-16.07.24 This course enables participants to further develop their Spanish skills to level B1. All skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) are practised and thematic focuses are agreed with the participants. The textbook Aula internacional 3 neu (from lesson 8) will be used. Enrolment Spanish B1.2


Course dates

Course information

Course registration
Language courses for students see PAUL Employees also have the opportunity to take part in the language courses for students, provided there are still places available after the registration deadline. Those interested can make a reservation, further information can be found here.
Language cafés of the ZfS

see website

The language café is an offer in various languages organised by the ZfS and run by student staff.
Language cafés offer the opportunity to have conversations with other students in an informal atmosphere and thus consolidate your own skills.

It is not necessary to register for the language cafés - just drop in!