French B2.3

Scope/semester hours per week A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)
Prerequisites Participation in French B2.2 or proof of comparable prior knowledge in the placement test
Learning objectives The course is orientated towards level B2 of the CEFR. All skills are trained, with a focus on films & literature, feelings and opinions.


Students will be able to

- follow films (when standard language is spoken)

- Assess expressions of feeling and attitudes


Students learn to

- to open up narratives and modern literary texts (novels, short stories, poems)


The students practise

- express and react to feelings, attitudes, opinions and points of view in a differentiated manner and with an appropriate tone of voice

Oral production

The students learn

- speculate about hypothetical situations


Students practise writing short reviews of a film or book
Proof of performance through

- Regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)

- Written examination of approx. 90 min

- usually an oral examination lasting approx. 10 min

- Additional work if necessary

ECTS points

- Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 3ECTS

- In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work.