Swedish B1.1

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Swedish A2.2 or proof of comparable prior knowledge

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B1.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The learning objectives are

  • Listening

Students can follow the following dialogues/situations (if standard language and clearly spoken):

  • everyday conversations, telephone conversations
  • stories, songs and poems
  • many films in which the events are strongly supported by the visuals and actions
  • oral instructions (e.g. detailed directions)
  • reading

Students will be able to read simple texts and, for example

  • understand texts about Sweden: society, state, culture, student life, traditions, history, typical characteristics of Swedes (mentality)
  • understand novellas, short stories and poems
  • Understand information brochures
  • Understanding letters
  • Oral interaction

Oral interaction in different situations is practised so that students can

  • cope with everyday situations in Sweden (behaviour at parties, during an internship or holiday job, while travelling in Sweden, asking and answering questions about their studies at university)
  • be able to explain and justify their own view on a question
  • be able to express their opinion on a film or book
  • be able


    express feelings and attitudes, give compliments
  • Oral production

Students will be able to pass on descriptions and information, e.g.

  • present summaries of texts, novels and articles they have read
  • discuss pro-con arguments on various topics (politics, important issues in society, advantages and disadvantages of a profession, etc.)
  • talk about Swedish nature and different regions

  • Writing

Students will be able to

  • write private emails and letters, describing impressions and experiences
  • write a report in a known department and defend their own point of view
  • describe a film or a book

Proof of performance through

  • regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)
  • written examination of approx. 105 min
  • oral examination of approx. 10 min.
  • additional work if necessary

ECTS points

  • Regular attendance, passing the written and oral examinations: 3 ECTS credits
  • In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work