Language use, reading comprehension and listening comprehension
This part of the exam consists of three reading and three listening exercises (105 minutes in total)
- Twelve gaps must be filled in a complex text (300-400 words) using the multiple-choice method.
- A text (550-650 words) is completed using text fragments.
- Reviews from books, lectures etc. (100-150 words) should be associated with short statements.
- A TV/radio programme or an academic lecture (700 words). Basic idea as well as specific facts should be recorded and five out of twelve answer options selected.
- An extract from a TV or radio discussion. Certain statements should be assigned to the participating persons.
- A long, complex interview from a public or professional environment. The task is to answer the questions using the multiple-choice method.
Break (30 minutes)
Integrated skills. Listening comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression (150 minutes)
To be written:
- Listening and writing examples provide suggestions for writing a text (400-450 words) from the public, academic or professional field (e.g. flyer).
- Conversion of a text (150-250 words) and its genre into another text form.
- Composing a text (200-250 words) using graphics or a written example. Integrated skills. Reading comprehension and oral
expression (20 minutes)
The oral expression test consists of three tasks:
- Presentation of a topic (6-8 minutes). Graphics such as diagrams and two to three texts serve as preparation.
- Discussion with the examiner about the topic presented (5-6 minutes).
- Headlines from the press are discussed with the examiner (5-6 minutes).
The candidate has 30 minutes to prepare for tasks 1 and 2 before the exam.