Mul­ti­me­dia lan­guage labor­at­ory I3.119

The 30 workstations in the multimedia language lab I3.119 are equipped with computers and headphones, can be networked and controlled from the lecturer's desk.

The basic functions include the option of transferring an audio file to all workstations so that course participants can listen to it at their own pace, rewind it and record their own voice. The teacher can listen to each individual seat and intervene if necessary to correct them.

Students can also be randomly or specifically connected to one or more other participants, for example to simulate telephone conversations. Group conferences are also possible, for example if the participants need to write a text together in the target language. A desktop can be transferred to the screens of the other group members.

Of course, it is also possible to work with the Internet during lessons, whereby the teacher can determine which pages the participants can access. Each individual screen can also be projected to the front for all to see; the lecturer also has the option of taking control of each PC and thus supporting individual participants in their work.

- 30 seats
- more details to follow