Swedish A2.2

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Swedish A2.1 or proof of comparable prior knowledge

Learning objectives

The course is orientated towards level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Listening

In everyday, simple dialogues, students understand basic information, e.g. in

  • everyday conversations between two people, family reports
  • restaurant/cafe orders etc.
  • Loud speaker announcements in shopping centres, airports etc.
  • Reading

Students will be able to read simple texts and dialogues and e.g.

  • understand the basic information in simple messages
  • search for specific information in adverts, brochures, menus and timetables
  • understand a simple letter or email from a fellow student, friend or family member
  • match a text about something familiar to the headline
  • Oral interaction

Oral interaction in everyday situations is practised so that students can, for example

  • can talk to others about their physical condition and take part in conversations about family, university parties, studying, internships/holiday jobs and the weather
  • be able to communicate in hotels or hospitals, for example
  • be able to report sick to the seminar leader by telephone, for example
  • be able to invite a fellow student
  • be able to make small talk
  • be able to ask for directions, e.g. to the university
  • Oral production

Students will be able to pass on simple descriptions and information, e.g.

  • give a presentation about home, university or other familiar topics with the help of pictures
  • describe the desired profession and family

  • Writing

Students should be able to

  • write a simple letter to a fellow student, friend or family member and make enquiries
  • write simple notes, e.g. on a student survey or on a picture
  • fill in forms at public authorities (police, residents' registration office, etc.)
  • write about everyday situations in the past or about future plans

Proof of performance through

  • regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)
  • Written exam lasting approx. 85 min
  • Oral examination lasting approx. 10 min.
  • additional work if necessary

ECTS points

  • Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 3 ECTS
  • In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work