Jun. Prof. Thomas Berger
Leiter -
- E-Mail:
- thomas.berger@uni-paderborn.de
- thomas.berger@math.upb.de
- Telefon:
- +49 5251 60-3779
- Web:
- Homepage
- Büroanschrift:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn - Raum:
- TP21.1.21
Aktuelle Publikationen
Funnel control of linear systems with arbitrary relative degree under output measurement losses
T. Berger, L. Lanza, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 40 (2023) 691–713.
Edge-wise funnel output synchronization of heterogeneous agents with relative degree one
J.G. Lee, T. Berger, S. Trenn, H. Shim, Automatica 156 (2023) Article 111204.
Funnel PMC with feasibility constraints for nonlinear systems with arbitrary relative degree
T. Berger, D. Dennst?dt, IEEE Control Systems Letters 6 (2022) 2804–2809.
Feedback control of the COVID-19 pandemic with guaranteed non-exceeding ICU capacity
T. Berger, Systems & Control Letters 160 (2022).
Partial impulse observability of linear descriptor systems
J. Jaiswal, T. Berger, N.K. Tomar, Systems & Control Letters 168 (2022).
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