Welcome to the mentoring programmes of Paderborn University
The first year of the mentoring programme was launched in 2008, laying the foundations for mentoring as a personnel development tool at Paderborn University. This was followed by further programmes and offers for different target groups, which were developed in accordance with the quality standards of Forum Mentoring e.V.. The aim of the mentoring programmes at our Universtity is to promote the career development of female students, doctoral candidates and female postdocs in their studies and research. Female scientists as well as the institution benefit from our experience.
We offer the Peer Mentoring Programme "Einblick!" for female students of all faculties from the Master's degree onwards to support the desicion making process of an academic career. For a successful start to the doctoral phase, female doctoral candidates in their first year can exchange ideas with each other in our Informal Network Meetings. In the Mentoring Programme for Female Doctoral Candidates, mentees examine career prospects in science and network with other female scientists on an interdisciplinary basis. Our writing and working groups within "Endspurt Promotion" offer time and space for focussed work in the final phase. For female academics in the post-doc phase, we offer programmes such as Collegial Mentoring and Individual Coaching Sessions. We also give advise to mentoring programs concerning their concept development.
The mentoring team is characterised by many years of experience and associated networks as well as interdisciplinary perspectives. Together, we coordinate the wide range of mentoring programmes and are the point of contact for all interested parties, mentees and mentors. Feel free to contact us!