Col­legi­al ment­or­ing for fe­male sci­ent­ists in the post-doc phase

Are you one of the few female post-doctoral candidates in your field and looking for interdisciplinary exchange on an equal footing and in a non-competitive environment? Are you aiming for a position of responsibility or have you already taken on such a position, e.g. head of a group? Would you like to think purposefully about the next steps in your professional development? Would you like to work on your goals in a group with a clear structure and on fixed dates?

Then peer mentoring is the right programme for you!

As part of collegial mentoring, you will set specific goals and work on these goals in dialogue with the other group members, learn new approaches and celebrate successes. Interdisciplinary networking promotes cultural sensitivity and can provide a basis for overarching (research) ideas. Collegial refers to a group of female academics in a similar situation, with a common professional focus, but certainly from other disciplines. The aim is to support each other in professional challenges and to inspire each other in the concrete realisation of goals.


Firstly, a kick-off event takes place in which the female academics get to know each other and find a common basis for future mentoring meetings. The group organises itself independently and can be supported by the coordination team.

We will announce when a new group starts here!

If you are interested, you can register at any time by sending an email to Dr Julia Steinhausen( and stating the keyword "Kollegiales Mentoring". A short conversation/phone call will follow for information.