The Sen­ate is re­spons­ible for the fol­low­ing mat­ters:

  1. participation by its members in the University Electoral Commitee in the election and deselection of the members of the Executive Board;
  2. commenting on the annual report of the Executive Board;
  3. enactment and amendment to the university constitution,as well as other university regulations unless otherwise stipulated by the Higher Education Act;
  4. approval of planning principles within the meaning of section 16(1a) sentence 1 Higher Education Act;
  5. recommendations and statements on the draft of the Higher Education Development Plan and agreement on objectives, on evaluation reports, on financial plans, and on basic resource allocation within the University, faculties, central scientific institutions and central operating units;
  6. recommendations and opinions regarding matters of research, art, teaching and studies that affect the entire University, central institutions or are of fundamental importance;
  7. approval for appointment proposals to fill professorships within the meaning of section 38 (3) of the Higher Education Act.


  • President Prof. Dr Birgitt Riegraf
  • Prof. Dr. Margreth Egidi
  • Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Henning
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners
  • Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer
  • Prof. Alexandra Kürtz
  • Prof. Dr. Cedrik Meier
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Tenberge
  • Prof. Dr. Merle T?nnies (Speaker of the Senate, e-mail)
  • Prof. Dr. Ansgar Tr?chtler
  • Prof. Dr. André Uhde
  • Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber
  • Dr Daniela Zumpf
  • Dr. Benjamin Brecht (Deputy Speaker of the Senate, e-mail)
  • Vivienne Kannengie?er
  • Dirk Prior
  • Tobias Cord-Landwehr
  • Dr Christian Koldewey
  • Thomas Arens
  • Dr Johanna Braukmann
  • Karsten Mette
  • Dr Barbara Fl?ing-Hering
  • Moritz Bunse
  • Gerrit Pape
  • Nicolas Potthast
  • Svetlana Hardeweg
  • Lukas Ostermann
  • Adrian Samir Block
  • the Vice-President for Economic and Personnel Administration
  • the Vice-Presidents
  • the Deans
  • the Equal Opportunities Officer
  • the Chairman of the Student Union
  • the Chairman of the Worker’s Council
  • the Severely Disabled Employee Officer
  • the Representative for Students with Handicap or Chronic Disease
  • the Chairperson of the Representation of the interests of Student Assistants

The student representatives are elected for a term of one year and the other members for a term of two years.




In­form­a­tion from the Sen­ate Ses­sions

Rules, reg­u­la­tions and oth­er doc­u­ments

Commissions and other bodies



Cordula Stratmann

Gremienbetreuung und akademische Angelegenheiten (SG 2.4)
Room B3.246
Paderborn University
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