Research culture

Academic Freedom goes hand in hand with our mission for research integrity. Paderborn University supports and ensures this mission through the implementation of appropriate measures and structures. Our research serves the public interest and the task to responsibly shape the future. Transparency and ethical principles lay the foundation of our work.

?Scientific integrity is essential for research and the exploitation of scientific results. Here in Paderborn, we place particular emphasis on adherence to and continuous review and evaluation of the underlying standards.”

Prof. Dr. Johannes Bl?mer, Vice-President for Research and Junior Academics
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bl?mer,
Vice-President for Research and Junior Academics

Equal opportunities and diversity in research

Paderborn University is actively committed to equity and diversity. This includes, in particular, the equal participation of all members of the University in everyday academic life and the implementation and strengthening of a gender- and diversity-sensitive organisational culture. Equity standards ensure that gender and diversity are addressed in research – both as a subject matter and in relation to personnel and structural aspects.

Ethics in research

Ethics committee

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Data protection in research

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Dual use & export control

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Nagoya Protocol

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Good Re­search Prac­tice

At Paderborn University, research is founded on the principle of good research practice. This ensures the integrity of research and of any new findings. Aside from the University's own guidelines and procedures, the ombudsperson for good research practice plays an important role in safeguarding these principles.

Re­spons­ible Open Sci­ence

Academia thrives on the exchange of ideas, concepts, and results across institutional and national boundaries. Paderborn University supports free access to scientific data and findings by various measures and thereby strengthens the international visibility of its researchers.


HR­S4R Audit - Ex­cel­lent Work­ing Con­di­tions in Aca­demia

In February 2025, Paderborn University received the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award. With this seal, the European Commission recognises universities and research institutions that work systematically to improve the working conditions of their researchers. This award is a first milestone in a long-term process to implement the European Commission's principles.