Academic Career

From doctorate to professorship: build your academic career by becoming a part of our University. We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Early career stage

Early ca­reer stages

Whether you are aiming to obtain your doctoral degree, begin the postdoc phase, or lead a junior research group: we will help you lay the foundation for your academic career. For more information, visit the Jenny Aloni Centre.

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Professorship at Paderborn University

Pro­fess­or­ship at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

A professorship offers outstanding academics the opportunity to research and teach independently. We offer an attractive research environment as well as numerous support programmes for our professors.

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Job va­can­cies at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Are you driven by research and want to make a difference? So do we! Every single day, our employees are passionate and dedicated to delivering world-class research and providing teaching for around 19,000 students. This has already earned us several awards in various areas. We offer exciting projects and positions at various career levels, as well as a motivating working environment with many benefits. Visit our Job Portal and become part of our University.

The University as an employer

Information and services for employees

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Family friendly University

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Dual-Career Couples

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Healthy university

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Continuing education & staff development

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Wel­come Ser­vices

The Welcome Services provide international researchers and employees with one-on-one support and advisory services to help them prepare for their stay at the University. We look forward to welcoming you to Paderborn!