Cent­ral Uni­ver­sity Ad­min­is­tra­tion

The Central University Administration of the University of Paderborn is responsible for the administrative, legal and planning duties of the university, and ensures the most efficient use of available resources. We aim to balance the legal framework and regulations with the interests of research and education, providing the necessary basis for a successful academic operation.

Management Vice-president of operations Simone Probst
B2.313, 60-2557
B2.320, 60-2558
Sophia Mühlhausen
Department 1 Finance Dr. Simone Agethen
B2.216, 60-2540
Department 2 Research, funding and grants,
academic and international affairs
Dr. Anke Backer
B2.232, 60-2563
Department 3 General student and examination matters Silke Horstmann
C2.216, 60-2564
Department 4 Human resources Dr. Christian Winsel
B1.303, 60-2531
Department 5 Facility management, physical plant,
occupational and environmental safety
Dr. Martina Gerdes-Kühn
E5.314, 60-2525
Department 6 Quality management, study and structural planning Wiebke Lamprecht
B2.242, 60-2552