Organisational Advice and Internal Auditing Office

Welcome to the website of the Organisational Advice and Internal Auditing Office at Paderborn University.
On this page we would like to introduce you to the tasks and working methods of the staff office. The staff office is an internal advisory and auditing body at Paderborn University. It is also responsible for tasks relating to central export control. The staff office reports directly to the Vice-President for Operations.


The staff office is divided into two areas:


Oth­er cent­ral tasks

Whis­tleblower sys­tem

A whistleblower system makes it possible to report irregularities such as corruption or fraud anonymously and securely. It contributes to transparency and integrity, protects whistleblowers from reprisals and helps to recognise and rectify breaches of the rules at an early stage. In this way, damage can be avoided and trust strengthened.

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Cor­rup­tion pre­ven­tion

Preventive measures such as transparent decision-making processes, clear behavioural guidelines and regular training help to identify and minimise risks at an early stage. A culture of integrity not only protects against legal consequences, but also strengthens trust in organisations and institutions.

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Isabel von Bremen

Head - Employee

Office: V1.104
Phone: +49 5251 60-3100

Tobias 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网be

Employee - Export Control Officer

Office: V1.208
Phone: +49 5251 60-3105

Priska von der Lippe


Office: V1.107
Phone: +49 5251 60-3101