3.2 Central Examinations Office

Welcome to the Exam Administration pages at Paderborn University!

The Central Examinations Office supports the examination boards in the performance of their tasks in examination administration, works on their behalf and at the same time sees itself as a service institution for students and examiners. The responsibility extends to all degree programmes at Paderborn University with Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Tasks and re­spons­ib­il­it­ies of the Cent­ral Ex­am­in­a­tions Of­fice

This responsibility extends to all Paderborn University degree programmes with Bachelor's and Master's degrees. And examination registration, deregistration and assessment correction for exchange students.

? Advice and information on all examination-related questions concerning the degree programme

? Processing admissions to all types of courses (examinations, qualified participation, etc.)

? Processing withdrawals from examinations for valid reasons

? Acceptance of final theses and posting of assessments

? Managing the credit accounts of Bachelor's and Master's students at Paderborn University and, if necessary, transferring them to the current version of the examination regulations

Recognising credits (credits and recognition of examination achievements from other degree programmes or other universities as well as classification into higher semesters are carried out by the responsible chairpersons of the examination boards or the subject representatives or module representatives appointed for this purpose)

? Issuing certificates as part of examination administration (e.g. transcripts of records, final documents, etc.)

? Administrative processing of appeals and hearing procedures (e.g. due to cheating in the examination procedure)

? Verification of degrees vis-à-vis third parties with the consent of those concerned

Your matriculation number is your unique identifier for us. Therefore, please always make enquiries using this number.

Con­tact per­sons for your study pro­gramme

Chris­ti­ane Lem­mens, Dor­is Jakobi

E-mail zps.la1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.222
Telephone +49 5251 60-4144, +49 5251 60-3752
Processing Bachelor of Education


Thomas Forne­feld

E-mail zps.la.ma@zv.upb.de
Room C2.225
Telephone +49 5251 60-3416
Processing Master of Education (Surnames L-Z)


Anne Gro??hme

E-mail zps.la.ma@zv.upb.de
Room C2.326
Phone +49 5251 60-3427
Processing Master of Education (Surnames A - K)


Karin Sch?fer

E-mail zps.kw1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.229
Phone Please contact the substitution by e-mail.
Notice Mrs Sch?fer is not available until further notice. Please contact zps.kw1@zv.upb.de.
Administration ?tudes Européennes/European Studies (Bachelor)
Musicology (Bachelor, Master)
Popular Music and Media (Bachelor, Master)
PopMediaCulture (Master)


Astrid Paulus-Frick

E-mail zps.kw2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.232
Telephone +49 5251 60-2316
temporary all students

Two-subject programmes (Bachelor)
Culture and Society (Master)
Cultural Heritage (Master)
Media Studies (Bachelor, Master)
Linguistics (Bachelor, Master)
Germanic Literary Studies (Master)
English and American Studies (Master)
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master)
BeNeLux-Studies (Master)


Jens Eichler

E-mail zps.wiwi.ma1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.322
Phone +49 5251 60-3753
Administration Master's programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (except of WiP?d "M.Ed.")
Sports Economics (Bachelor)
The office is currently closed. You can obtain transcripts of records on www.uni-paderborn.de/en/zv/3-2/topics/requesting-documents. For all other matters, please continue to use the e-mail address provided (zps.wiwi.ma1(@)zv.upb.de).



E-mail zps.wiwi.ba2@zv.upb.de  
Room C2.326  
Phone +49 5251 60-3754  
Note The office is currently closed. You can obtain transcripts of records on www.uni-paderborn.de/en/zv/3-2/topics/requesting-documents. For all other matters, please continue to use the e-mail address provided (zps.wiwi.ba2(@)zv.upb.de).
Administration International Business Studies (Bachelor)
Business Information Systems (Bachelor)


Juri An­dreas

E-mail zps.wiwi.ba1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.324
Phone +49 5251 60-3694
Administration Business Administration and Economics (Bachelor)


Karin Sch?fer

E-mail zps.kw1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.229
Phone Please contact the substitution by e-mail.
Notice Mrs Sch?fer is not available until further notice. Please contact zps.kw1@zv.upb.de.
Processing Chemistry (Bachelor, Master)
Materials Science (Master)
Materials Science (Bachelor)
Optoelectronics and Photonics (Master)
Physics (Bachelor, Master)
Occupational Health Management (Master)
Applied Neurosciences in Sports and Exercise (Master)


Astrid Paulus-Frick

E-mail zps.kw2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.232
Telephone +49 5251 60-2316
Processing Applied Sports Science (Bachelor)


Petra Guz­in­ski

E-mail zps.mb2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.219
Phone +49 5251 60-2574
Administration Mechanical Engineering (Master)
Chemical Engineering (Bachelor, Master)
Industrial Engineering majoring in Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)
Industrial Engineering majoring in Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)


Sandy Klaholz

E-mail zps.mb1@zv.upb.de
Room C2.219
Phone +49 5251 60-2505
Processing Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)
Industrial Engineering majoring in Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z)
Industrial Engineering majoring in Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z)


Link to the team page

Petra Guz­in­ski

E-mail zps.mb2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.219
Phone +49 5251 60-2574
Processing Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames A-K)

Ulf Harms-En­sink

E-mail zps.eim2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.213
Phone +49 5251 60-4229

Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames L-Z)
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (surnames L-Z)
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames L-Z)
Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z)
Engineering Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z)


Sandy Klaholz

E-mail zps.eim2@zv.upb.de
Room C2.219
Phone +49 5251 60-2505
Processing Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames L-Z)

Ramazan Uysal

E-mail zps.eim3@zv.upb.de
Room C2.213
Telephone +49 5251 60-4230
Processing Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (surnames A-K)
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)
Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)
Engineering Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K)


Head of sub­di­vi­sion

Head of subdivision

Person Responsibilities E-mail address Telephone number Room Office hours
Manuel Le?mann Head of subdivision zps.sgl@zv.uni-paderborn.de 05251 60-5207 C2.332 by appointment
Karin Sch?fer Deputy zps.sgl@zv.uni-paderborn.de 05251 60-4016 C2.229 by appointment


Du­ties of the head of sub­di­vi­sion

? Work organisation

? Basic and general examination matters (if you have any questions about your course of study or examination - e.g. registration, deregistration, admission, illness - please contact the person responsible for you. During opening hours in person, outside office hours by telephone or in writing. You can find the allocation of study programmes and contact details as well as office hours here.


Contact information such as postal or visitor address and fax number can be found on the contact page.

Of­fice hours on site

The general office hours on site usually take place as follows (for deviations, please see the respective administrations):

Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays
09.30 to 11.30 09.30 to 11.30 09.30 to 11.30 a.m.


The Central Examination office is located in Building C, 2nd floor. Please understand that during office hours, personal counselling takes priority. Please make telephone enquiries outside these hours.


In­form­a­tion on spe­cif­ic top­ics

On this page, students and teachers/examiners will find information and assistance on various topics, such as final thesis, exam withdraw

FAQ Stu­dents

The FAQ answers questions such as: "Where can I find my examination regulations?", "Where can I find the examination dates?", "Do I have to be enrolled in order to be allowed to take examinations?" and many more.

FAQ teach­ers/ex­am­iners

The FAQ answers questions such as: "Where can I find examination regulations?", "Do students have to be enrolled in order to be allowed to take examinations?", "Where can students submit a thesis?" and more.

Cam­pus man­age­ment sys­tem (PAUL)

PAUL web portal

Students can register for and deregister from examinations in the web portal. Various applications can also be submitted there. Teachers/examiners can find the examination lists there, including the assessment input.

PAUL info pages

Students can find information on the information pages, e.g. deadlines for registering for modules, courses and examinations. Teachers/examiners will find information on entering assessments or setting up the deputy role.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion on...

... spe­cif­ic top­ics can be found in the menu.

In the menu under "Help" menu, students and lecturers/examiners can find information and assistance on various topics. Under "Legal basis" you will find the legal basis for examination administration, such as the NRW Higher Education Act and the Official Notices.

Learn more

Ill­ness be­fore/dur­ing an ex­am­in­a­tion

With­draw­al from an ex­am­in­a­tion for a val­id reas­on

If you are ill and therefore unable to take an examination, you can find information on the procedure for withdrawing due to inability to take an examination here.

to the information

News in the examination administration


Ex­am­in­a­tion With­draw­al Peri­od Changed to Two Days Be­fore Ex­am Date (from 1 of April 2024)

Read more

End of ex­am re­gis­tra­tion phase Cul­tur­al Stud­ies SuSe 2024

Read more
22.04.2024 - 22.05.2024

Uni­ver­sity-wide ex­am­in­a­tion re­gis­tra­tion phase SoSe 2024

Read more

Elec­tron­ic sub­mis­sion of theses

Read more
More news

Ex­am­in­a­tion With­draw­al Peri­od Changed to Two Days Be­fore Ex­am Date (from 1 April 2024)

Based on the positive feedback received during the Corona semesters, the examination withdrawal period without valid reason will be reduced from five to two days.

The resolution for these changes has been passed in the individual faculty boards*. This will apply to all examinations with an examination date from 1 April 2024. This change will be adopted respectively in all new examination regulations.


The resolution of the respective faculty boards was passed on the following dates:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities > 20 September 2023
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics > 11 October 2023
Faculty of Science > 29 November 2023
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering > 23 August 2023
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics > 25 September 2023
PLAZ board > 6 July 2023