Zen­t­rales Prü­fungssek­ret­ari­at für die Stud­i­eng?nge der Fak­ult?t für Elektro­tech­nik, In­form­atik und Math­em­atik

Ad­min­is­trat­ive staff (val­id from 22 Ju­ly 2024)

Study programme Division Person
Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) Surnames A-K
Surnames L-Z
Ramazan Uysal (zps.eim3@zv.upb.de)
Ulf Harms-Ensink (zps.eim2@zv.upb.de)
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) Surnames A-K
Surnames L-Z
Ramazan Uysal (zps.eim3@zv.upb.de)
Ulf Harms-Ensink (zps.eim2@zv.upb.de)
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) Surnames A-K
Surnames L-Z
Petra Guzinski (zps.mb2@zv.upb.de)
Sandy Klaholz (zps.mb1@zv.upb.de)
Computer Science (Bachelor) Surnames A-K
Surnames L-Z
Ramazan Uysal (zps.eim3@zv.upb.de)
Ulf Harms-Ensink (zps.eim2@zv.upb.de)
Computer Science (Master) Surnames A-K
Surnames L-Z
Ramazan Uysal (zps.eim3@zv.upb.de)
Ulf Harms-Ensink (zps.eim2@zv.upb.de)
Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) Surnames A-Z Ulf Harms-Ensink (zps.eim2@zv.upb.de)
Technomathematics (Bachelor, Master) Surnames A-Z Ramazan Uysal (zps.eim3@zv.upb.de)

Further contact information can be found on this page.


In the first block, current general information on examination administration and general deadlines are published, followed by the information and deadlines specific to the degree programmes of the Fac. EIM specific information and deadlines. The validity for the individual subjects is marked:

? [EIM]: General validity for all degree programmes of Fak. EIM
? [CE]: Validity for Computer Engineering (Bachelor and Master)
? [ESE]: Validity for Electrical Systems Engineering (Master)
? [Elektrotechnik]: Validity for Electrical Engineering (Bachelor and Master)
? [Computer Science]: Validity for Computer Science (Bachelor and Master)
? [Mathematik]: Validity for mathematics and technomathematics (Bachelor and Master)

News and Deadlines Examination Administration EIM

04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

[EIM] 2nd ex­am re­gis­tra­tion phase SoSe 2023 Com­puter Sci­ence and Math­em­at­ics

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[Math­em­at­ics] Ex­piry of the ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions Math­em­at­ics Mas­ter v2 and v2b

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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Rules and dates for ex­am­in­a­tions in the 2023 semester

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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Rules and dates for ex­am­in­a­tions in the 2023/24 winter semester

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[EIM] Sub­mis­sion of theses also pos­sible elec­tron­ic­ally

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[Math­em­at­ics] Ap­pendix III PO Mas­ter v3

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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Changes to the Ex­am­in­a­tion Reg­u­la­tions in the Com­puter Sci­ence Mas­ter from WiSe 2022/23 (from 01.10.2022) [Up­date].

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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Notes on the ex­am­in­a­tion pro­ced­ure in com­puter sci­ence (Eng­lish Ver­sion be­low)

Read more
More news

Ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions for the de­gree pro­grammes of the Fac­ulty EIM


Help page

On the general help pages you will find further links and information on many topics, e.g. exam withdrawals, submission of theses, placement in higher semesters or maternity leave for students.

Here you will find specific information on the degree programmes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics:

? Help page and specific FAQ EIM
? Information on handing in final theses EIM


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