Be­fore the ap­plic­a­tion

For some target groups, there are upstream processes that are necessary for a successful application.
These deadlines are sometimes well before the application deadline.

Applicants with professional qualification

Registration for the entrance exam (depending on applicant group)

  • For the application for the winter semester 2024/25:

  • For applications for the summer semester 2025:


  • 01.04.2024

  • 01.10.2024

Counselling interview with the responsible faculty advisor

Arrange an appointment with the faculty advisor (contact the faculty )

Submission of the application for assessment of the access requirements

  • For the application for the winter semester 2024/25:

  • For the application for the summer semester 2025:


  • 15.06.2024

  • 15.12.2024

Applicants with a technical college entrance qualification ("Fachhochschulreife)

Confirmation of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences Before general education and subject aptitude test
Examination of general education Deadlines can be found on the website of the Centre for Language Teaching.
Examination of subject-related aptitude Contact persons for each degree programme are listed here.

Applicants for the subject areas Art, Music and Sport

Aptitude test

Dates can be found on the respective information pages of the faculties/institutes.

Applicants for the B. A. European Studies

Registration for the selection interview

Information and dates can be found here.

This overview is not an exhaustive list. Further deadlines/dates may be communicated elsewhere.

Ap­plic­a­tion dead­lines

Applications are only possible within certain time periods. Application deadlines are so-called"cut-off deadlines".
This means that applications can no longer be considered after the relevant deadline.

International applicants (school-leaving certificate and nationality abroad) can find out more here.

Winter semester 2024/25

Admission-free degree programmes (Bachelor's and Master's)

Applications for the first and higher semesters Beginning of June until 21.09.2024

Admission-restricted degree programmes (Bachelor)

Applications for the first semester Beginning of June until 15.07.2024
Applications for a higher semester Beginning of June until 15.09.2024
Applications for the lottery procedure 15.09. - 21.09.2024

Doctoral programmes

Applications for a doctoral programme all year round

The application period for the winter semester 2024/25 starts at the beginning of June.

Ad­mis­sion/re­jec­tion no­tices for ad­mis­sion-re­stric­ted de­gree pro­grammes/sub­jects

The notifications contain important information on enrolment (e.g. enrolment deadline).
They are available in PAUL under "Meine Dokumente".

Winter semester 2024/25

Admission-restricted degree programmes (Bachelor)

Application for the 1st semester (main procedure) Notifications online from the 30. calendar week (consecutive)
Application for the 1st semester (succession procedure) Notifications online in calendar week 33
Application for the 1st semester (lottery procedure) Notifications online in calendar week 39
Application for higher semesters Notifications online in calendar week 39

En­rol­ment dead­lines

As soon as your application has the status "Imma application possible", you can start the online enrolment process. The enrolment application is available to you until the end of the deadlines specified here. It is not possible to submit the application outside the deadlines (application status "Imma application: deadline expired").

Winter semester 2024/25

Bachelor's degree programmes without admission

Enrolment in the first or a higher semester


Bachelor's degree programmes with admission restrictions

Enrolment in the first or a higher semester

Deadline will be announced in the letter of admission

Master's degree programmes

Enrolment in the first or a higher semester


Enrolment in a doctoral programme is possible all year round.

Fur­ther dead­lines and dates

Winter term 2024/25

Secondary Membership

Application for admission to the "Kleine Zweith?rerschaft" 30.09.2024 (receipt of application incl. supporting documents)

Guest auditor

Application for admission as a guest auditor Possible all year round

Studying as a school student ("Studieren vor dem Abi")

Registration for the "Studieren vor dem Abi" programme Dates and deadlines can be found here.

This overview is not an exhaustive list. Further deadlines/dates may be communicated elsewhere.