Study start
Welcome to Paderborn University!
First-year students who have completed their enrolment can find the most important information for their start here. Regardless of whether they are starting their first semester at university fresh from school, have changed their degree programme or place of study or are coming to Paderborn University for their Master's degree.
The first days at Paderborn University
Create Uni-Account
You will need a university account with your own university email address to start your studies. Please create your personal university account in advance of the orientation phase.
For some degree programmes, preliminary courses are held in the run-up to the degree course to refresh previous knowledge.
Orientation days
To make it easier to start studying, we offer an orientation week for first-year students in the week before lectures begin. Here, everyone receives a technical and organisational introduction to their studies.
Bibliotheksausweis aktivieren
Zur Nutzung der Bibliothek und ihrer Services ist eine Online-Aktivierung deines Bibliotheksausweises erforderlich. Diese kannst du bequem am PC, an einem Smartphone o.?. durchführen. Details findest Du im Katalog-Blog.
Important tools - always at hand
All about studying
You've made it into your degree programme. Now the actual study programme can begin. We don't leave our students to their own devices during the entire study programme and support them, for example
- with learning techniques
- with financing, e.g. through BAf?G
- with finding accommodation
- with leisure activities
- with organising the semester ticket
- and much more
Counselling & support options
During your studies, different and individual questions arise from time to time. We do not leave these unanswered and provide the right contact person / point of contact for every concern. The AStA also offers further counselling services.