2.3 Grants and ex­?tern?al fun­d?ing

Head of department    
Dr Kerstin Lahme A2.233 60 - 2694
Vera Baeske (Deputy) A2.242 60 - 5028
G?nül Ates A2.235 60 - 2513
Anastasia Brandt A2.235 60 - 5607
Theresa Brieger A2.331 60 - 2549
Frank Ewers A2.222 60 - 4974
Isabel Fiekens A2.329 60 - 2833
Daniela Haase A2.333 60 - 5066
Olga Heinz A2.331 60 - 2535
Anja Heisler A3.232 60 - 4143
Marina Hildebrand A2.229 60 - 5256
Verena Keuthen A2.235 60 - 5063
Jens L?dige A2.222 60 - 5062
Christiane Mues A3.232 60 - 4922
Martin Nellesen A2.240 60 - 4468
Ole Niehues A2.238 60 - 5606
Daniela Rehermann A2.329 60 - 2836
Heike Rieger A2.225 60 - 4973
Svenja Schaefer A3.223 60 - 3458
Anja Schulte A2.220 60 - 4599
Kerstin Seeger A2.231 60 - 5608
Kilian Swoboda A2.333 60 - 3758
Sabine Werner A2.222 60 - 5259
Ebru Yurt A2.227 60 - 5260

All fund­ing pro­viders and the cor­res­pond­ing con­tact per­sons

Isabel Fiekens - A2.329, 60 - 2833 (available in the morning)

Ebru Yurt - A2.227, 60 - 5260

Kerstin Seeger - A2.231, 60 - 5608 (available in the morning)

Frank Ewers - A2.222, 60 - 4974

Daniela Haase - A2.333, 60 - 5066 (available in the morning)

  • WiWi & others

Martin Nellesen - A2.240, 60 - 4468

  • KW

Anja Schulte - A2.220, 60 - 4599

  • EIM

Heike Rieger - A2.225, 60 - 4973

  • NW & MB

Olga Heinz - A2.331, 60 - 2535

  • Administrative support

Verena Keuthen - A2.235, 60- 5063 (Tue, Thu)

Martin Nellesen - A2.240, 60 - 4468

  • Exist start-up grant

Daniela Haase - A2.333, 60 - 5066 (available in the morning)

Marina Hildebrand - A2.229, 60 - 5256

Kilian Swoboda - A2.333, 60 - 3758

Svenja Schaefer - A3.223, 60 - 3458

Kilian Swoboda - A2.333, 60 - 3758

  • EIM, MB, SFB 358, SFB 901, SFB 1053, SFB 1153, SFB 1368, TRR 266, TRR 285

Marina Hildebrand - A2.229, 60 - 5256

  • NW, WiWi, KW, Large-scale equipment NW, SFB 119, SFB 1187, SFB 1333, SFB 1646, TRR 87, TRR 142, NFDI

Ole Niehues - A2.238, 60 - 5606

Theresa Brieger - A3.223, 60 - 2549

Ebru Yurt - A2.227, 60 - 5260

  • AiF/ZIM

DLR has been the project sponsor for the IGF since September 1, 2023.

Daniela Rehermann - A2.329, 60 - 2836 (Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

Isabel Fiekens - A2.329, 60 - 2833 (available in the morning)

  • KW, EIM & others

Kerstin Seeger - A2.231, 60 - 5608 (available in the morning)

  • WiWi, NW & MB, others

G?nül Ates - A2.235, 60 - 2513

  • KW

Anastasia Brandt - A2.235, 60 - 5607

  • MB, EIM, Other

Sabine Werner - A2.222, 60 - 5259

  • WiWi, NW, Other AO 32..., Support for project management & administration

Jens L?dige - A2.222, 60 - 5062

  • LeitmarktAgentur.NRW & district governments, ESF

Jens L?dige - A2.222, 60 - 5062

Anja Schulte - A2.220, 60 - 4599

Martin Nellesen - A2.240, 60 - 4468

Dr Kerstin Lahme - A2.233, 60 - 2694

  • Legal issues in connection with third-party funded project contracts, in particular contract research

Christiane Mues - A3.232, 60 - 4922

  • Legal issues in connection with externally funded project contracts, in particular contract research, non-disclosure agreements

Vera Baeske - A2.242, 60 - 5028

  • KW, WiWi & others

Anja Heisler - A3.232, 60 - 4143

  • NW, MB & EIM

G?nül Ates - A2.235, 60 - 2513

  • Outgoing invoices/receivables postings: KW,WIWI,NW

Anastasia Brandt - A2.235, 60 - 5607

  • Outgoing invoices/receivables postings: MB, EIM, Other AO 31...

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Latest news and announcements in the area of third-party funding

Forms & leaf­lets

Forms, information sheets and information on the individual funding providers

R&D Leg­al ad­vice

Legal advice in research and development

In­form­a­tion on AiF/ZIM and DLR/IGF pro­jects

Things to know about the administration of AiF/ZIM and DLR/IGF grants

In­form­a­tion on DFG pro­jects

Things to know about the administration of DFG grants

In­form­a­tion on ERDF pro­jects

Things to know about managing ERDF grants

In­form­a­tion on the sep­ar­a­tion cal­cu­la­tion

Things to know about the separation calculation

In­form­a­tion­en zum Ver­an­stal­tungs­man­age­ment

Wissenswertes zum Veranstaltungsmanagement