Com­pos­i­tion of the Com­mis­sion for Teach­ing, Stud­ies and Qual­ity Man­age­ment (SK)

The SK voting members include:

  1. six professorial representatives,
  2. two academic staff representatives,
  3. one further staff representative,
  4. three student representatives.

Non-voting members are the member of the Executive Board responsible for academic affairs and quality management and the head of the Student Advice Centre..


Prof. Dr. Volker Sch?ppner (Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Quality Management)

  • Prof. Dr. Rebekka Schmidt (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • Prof. Dr. Dominik Rumlich (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)
  • Prof. Dr. Arno Schindlmayr (Faculty of Science)
  • Prof. Dr. Eugeny Kenig (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt (Faculty of Computer Science , Electrical Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Dr. Andreas Hoischen (Faculty of Science)
  • Dr.-Ing. Nicole Lutters (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Manuel Le?mann (Central University Administration, Department 3)
  • Svetlana Hardeweg (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • Mario Rodrigues (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Markus Wienkemeier (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)
  • Dr. Yvonne Koch (Student Advice Centre)
  • Dr. Nerea V?ing (Higher Education Development Office)

The voting members are elected by the Senate for two academic years (student representatives for a term of one year). The current term of office ends on 30.09.2023.



Professional support (Department 3/Subject area 3.1):

Silke Tuschen

Dr. Anica Rose


Committee's office (Department 2/Subject area 2.4):

Anja Ebner
Telephone number: 05251 60-2170, e-mail