Ten­ure Board

Quality assurance for all tenure track procedures and all procedures for granting the status of “Group Leader: Early-Career Researchers/Junior Academics” is carried out by the Tenure Board; an Executive Board committee. The Tenure Board supports all procedures at Paderborn University from an interdisciplinary perspective and guarantees uniform formal standards as well as transparency and procedural security.

Tasks and responsibilities
The Tenure Board is responsible for: 

  • Verifying that the university-wide criteria for approval of the status of “Group Leader: Early-Career Researchers/Junior Academics” are met and preparing a recommendation for the Executive Committee
  • Advising the Executive Committee during the intermediate evaluation of group leaders of early-career researchers/junior academics
  • Advising the Executive Committee during the intermediate and final evaluations in the tenure track procedure and preparing a recommendation for the Executive Committee


Members of the Tenure Board:


Permanent voting

Subsitute members                      
Five professors (one from each faculty) Prof. Christina Bartz (Arts and Humanities) Prof. Harald Schroeter-Wittke (Arts and Humanities)
  Prof. Dennis Kundisch (Business Administration and Economics) Prof. Lena Steinhoff (Business Administration and Economics)
  Prof. Arno Schindlmayr (Science) Prof. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker (Science)
  Prof. Walter Sextro (Mechanical Engineering) Prof. Iris Gr??ler (Mechanical Engineering)
  Prof. Katrin Temmen (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics) Prof. Eric Bodden (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics)
Two academic staff members Dr. Hilke Teubert (Science) Dr. Anda-Lisa Harmening (Arts and Humanities)
  Dr.-Ing. Kay-Peter Hoyer (Mechanical Engineering) Martina Sperling (Business Administration and Economics)
One student Christina Müller (Business Administration and Economics) Paula Probst (Mechanical Engineering)

Regular guests:
Dr. Annika Hegemann, Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Julia Christina Schneider, representative body for disabled persons

Please note: The appointment is valid for the current term of office of the Executive Committee and, with regard to the student member and substitute member, for a term of office of two years.    
There are four fixed meeting dates per year: the first Tuesday in March, June, September and December.


Prof. Dr. Johannes Bl?mer
Paderborn University

Vice-President for Research and
Early-Career Researchers and Junior Academics

+49 5251 60-6651

Office of the Tenure Board

Sabine Müller

+49 5251 60-2515


(jeweils der erste Dienstag in den Monaten M?rz, Juni, September und Dezember)


Recognition of the status as junior research group leader

If you have any questions regarding the recognition of the status of junior research group leader, please contact Simone Hansmeier.

+49 5251 60-2006

Application form:
Approval of the status of “Group Leader: Early-Career Researchers/Junior Academics”

Handout for Mentors and Mentees