Fi­nal spurt for the pro­mo­tion

Do you want to complete and submit your doctorate in the next few months? Are you looking for time and space to focus on your work? At the same time, you don't want to isolate yourself? Then become part of the Endspurt group! Doctoral candidates in the final months of their doctorate meet (digitally) for self-directed writing and working groups to motivate themselves on the last metres of their doctoral dissertation, to work in a focused manner and to exchange ideas about challenges. There are also short (bi-)weekly focus meetings to set goals and write. The focus meetings are framed by three half-day workshops, which offer time for writing as well as input on content. Writing here means all activities that require calm and concentration (revising, structuring, analysing, writing, thinking, etc.).

This is a joint offer of the mentoring programme and the Competence Centre for Writing.

Target group: Doctoral candidates from all faculties who are currently (or wish to) complete their doctorate.

The starting signal for the next final track group will be given in August 2024!!!


30 August (9.00-13.00): Starting signal for the final spurt - introduction to the concept, getting to know the group and writing time (online)

15 November (9:00-13:00): Half-time to catch your breath - reflection in the group, writing time and input on the topic of procrastination (online)

20 December (9.00-13.00): On the home straight - writing time, taking stock and celebrating successes (online)

Contact us via email at if you are interested and for further information. We also accept registrationsherevia the writing centre.