Final sprint for (female) PhD researchers
You want to complete and submit your PhD thesis in the next few months? Are you looking for time and space to focus your work? At the same time you don't want to isolate yourself? Then become part of our Final Sprint-Group! Female PhD researchers in the last months of their PhD project meet (digitally) for self-directed writing and working groups to motivate themselves on the last meters of the dissertation, to work in a focused way and to exchange ideas about challenges. To this end, there are (bi-)weekly short focus meetings to set goals and write. The focus meetings are framed by three half-day workshops that offer content input as well as time for writing. Writing here means all activities that require rest and concentration (revising, structuring, analyzing, writing, thinking, etc.). At the end, what has been achieved so far is to be duly celebrated.
This workshop is a cooperation with the "Mentoring for Doktorandinnen".
Dates for the Final Sprint-Group 2024:
August 30th, 2024 (9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.)
kickoff – introduction to the concept, first meeting and writing time (online)
November, 15th 2024 (9.00 a.m. to 1 p.m.):
half-time – reflection as a group and writing time
December, 20th 2024 (9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.):
homestretch – writing time, reflection, and celebration