Aca­dem­ic writ­ing in re­search - be­fore, dur­ing and after the doc­tor­ate

Academic writing processes differ from person to person. Just like individual preferences, writing and research practices typical of the discipline also influence the path from the initial idea to the publishable text: For example, how important is the discussion of research literature for your own text? Is writing part of researching or does it rather happen afterwards, as "writing together"? What role do notes, excerpts and overview documents play? How important are lines of argument - or is it more about finding a good story? How important is text compared to illustrations? Is it better to write alone or together with others? And where exactly do you publish and in what form?

Our workshops, writing events and consulting services for doctoral candidates, doctoral students and post-docs are open to a wide range of approaches to academic writing and cover different writing phases and topics in the research process. The common thread is always the concrete work on your own writing and research project.


Writ­ing events and writ­ing groups

We regularly create various opportunities to write together with others - especially in cooperation with other institutions of the university :)

In­di­vidu­al writ­ing con­sulta­tion

No two research projects are the same. And the paths to a doctoral dissertation or other academic publications are just as individual. We are happy to advise you on all questions relating to the writing process of academic texts.