What are the writ­ing days?

The writing days are your personal and binding appointment with your writing project. Stay on the ball and write through your project for several days at a time! An exclusive range of short workshops, consultation and active recreation will help you to get into a good working process. Whether you prefer to work in the library, be inspired by new ways of working in a workshop or write in a writing group is up to you. The writing days offer you the opportunity to choose and organise your working environment in the way you need for motivated and concentrated work. Let yourself be spurred on by the company of like-minded people, because together you write less alone!

When? The next Writing Days "Schreibtage" will take place from in the winter semester 2025/26.

What? For four days, we offer you a motivating and stimulating writing environment with numerous offers: Writing advice, short workshops, yoga and brain breaks, Ta-Da-Café and the power of peer pressure in its most beautiful form. Here you can find the current programme. And here you can find out more about the counselling and workshop offer.

How does a writing day work? We meet at 9 a.m. and start together with a short activating session led by the student health management team. Afterwards, we will set ourselves daily goals under guidance and finally everyone will start their individual work process. There are two work phases, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网s and consultations can be attended in between as required. BrainBreaks and lunch together in the canteen are available for active breaks. At the end of the writing day, we all meet in the Ta-Da-Café to celebrate the goals we have achieved over snacks and to build up anticipation for the next day.

Where? The writing days take place entirely in the University Library. The base station is I2.401, where the daily kick-off and the Ta-Da-Café take place.

Who can take part? Students and doctoral candidates from all faculties are cordially invited.

Registration: the link will be posted here.

The Writing Days are organised by the Competence Centre for Writing (Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben), the University Library, Pro-Lernen, the Language and Spelling Office (Sprach- und Rechtschreibbüro) of the Deutschtreff, the Learning and Writing Meeting for International Students, and the University Sports (Hochschulsport).

Co­oper­a­tion part­ners