1031 projects were found
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FLEMING - Flexible monitoring and control systems in the distribution grid by using artificial intelligence

Duration: 09/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: BMWK

Contact: Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Dr. Philipp zur Heiden

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RAKI: Rapide XAI for Industrial Plants

Funding programBMWK, Grant Number 01MD19012D (https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Navigation/DE/ProgrammeProjekte/AktuelleTechnologieprogramme/Smarte_Datenwirtschaft/smarte-datenwirtschaft.html)

Duration: 09/2019 - 08/2022

Funded by: BMWK

Association Between the Individual Chronotype and Body Composition in German Students - The ChroNu Study (ChroNuCohort)

Neue Studien unterstreichen die Rolle zirkadianer Ern?hrungsmuster für die Entstehung kardiovaskul?rer Erkrankungen. Unser vorangegangenes Projekt liefert neue Evidenz, dass insbesondere die habituelle Aufnahme von Kohlenhydraten mit einem hohen glyk?mischen Index (GI) am Abend negative Auswirkungen für Typ 2 Diabetes Risikomarker im jungen ...

Duration: 09/2019 - 02/2023

Funded by: DFG

AdeleBK Entwicklung von E-Learning-Modulen für die kleinen beruflichen Fach-richtungen der Maschinenbautechnik und Elektrotechnik in der Lehramtsausbildung

Insbesondere für die kleinen beruflichen Fachrichtungen im Lehramt Berufskolleg fehlen an den Hochschulen passgenaue Referenzdisziplinen der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studieng?nge, die in das Curriculum für die Lehramtsausbildung integriert werden k?nnen. Dies gilt ebenso für die fachdidaktischen Veranstaltungen. Aufgrund der geringen Fallzahlen ...

Duration: 09/2019 - 12/2023

Funded by: MKW NRW

For 2863 - Ultrawideband Sampling

The metrology of wireless communication has to properly represent the complex interaction of the digital and analog signal domains. The high bandwidth at THz frequencies allows for extreme radio frequency (RF) bandwidth and hence also very large baseband bandwidth. In the baseband the broadband analog signals are digitized by broadband ...

Duration: 08/2019 - 12/2023

Funded by: DFG

FOR 2863 - Active THz Transceiver Components

Compared to radios operating at purely optical wavelengths or RF/microwave frequencies, the combination of extremely high absolute bandwidths and high relative bandwidths in the THz frequency regime, paired with the severe performance limitations of technologies operating in the so-called "THz-gap", imposes unique challenges on modern digital ...

Duration: 08/2019 - 12/2023

Funded by: DFG

Microlocal Methods for Hyperbolic Dynamics

A fundamental paradigm of statistical physics states that sufficiently complex systems tend very quickly to equilibrium. In the 80s Pollicott and Ruelle developed the notion of resonances for a certain class of dynamical systems (Axiom A systems) in order to prove this convergence towards equilibrium rigorously. These resonances, nowadays often ...

Duration: 08/2019 - 07/2025

Funded by: DFG

INSPIRE – Integrated Security Pilot Region

In the field of digitization for civil security, numerous promising individual solutions have emerged over the past few years. Many individual solutions with different operating concepts, media disruptions, partially redundant data, heterogeneous data formats orwithout integration into existing systems are, however, only of limited help in the case ...

Duration: 08/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: MHKBD NRW

Der Kampf um die Reichsabtei Corvey im Drei?igj?hrigen Krieg – Akteure, Strategien und Allianzen (Arbeitstitel)

Das Thema ?Corvey im Drei?igj?hrigen Krieg“ hat in der bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit der Klostergeschichte Corveys wenig Beachtung erfahren. Dieser Umstand ist erstaunlich, werden doch diese Jahrzehnte in der Literatur h?ufig als ?Tiefpunkt“ der Abteigeschichte beschrieben, welche bereits ab der Zeit des Sp?tmittelalters als ...

Duration: 08/2019 - 12/2025

Super-Brownian Motion with single point source: Regularization, approximation and path properties

So called Hamiltonians with point interactions have intensively and successfully been studied for a rather long time mainly form the perspective of mathematical physics as a model of a quantum mechanical system having an extremly short range interaction. A very thorough survey about major results and properties concerning point interactions can be ...

Duration: 07/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: DFG