Sup­port in choos­ing a de­gree pro­gramme

Choosing the right degree programme is an important step for your child and is often not easy given the large selection of degree programmes. To make this process easier, we give you tips on how you can approach the search for the right degree programme together.


Orientation offers
Our orientation offers help you to get to know and try out degree programmes before you start studying. This allows you to find out whether a degree programme matches your expectations.


Range of courses
Here you will find our entire range of courses with detailed information on the individual degree programmes. This will give you an insight into the content and requirements so that your child can gain a comprehensive picture.


How can you as parents support your child's choice of degree programme?
Your support is important to give your child security and guidance. Here's how you can help:

  • Organise the process together: Plan the steps that lead to choosing a degree programme together.
  • Reflect on interests and goals: Talk about personal interests, strengths and possible career goals.
  • Recognise strengths and weaknesses: Give feedback on skills and challenges.
  • Gather information: Provide support when researching degree programmes and careers.

Par­ents' event

In this event, we will show you how you can accompany your child on the path to choosing a degree programme in order to achieve the common goal: Finding the right degree programme and successfully starting their studies.

Topics of the event

  • Structure of a degree programme: What can your child expect at university?
  • Study programmes: What options are there at Paderborn University?
  • Application and admission: What requirements must be met?

You will also find out which steps are important before enrolment and how you can support your child in making a well-considered decision.

Date: Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 6 - 7 p.m.
Location: Online (Zoom)
Dial-in data: https: //

Registration is not necessary.

Calendar of events

07.11.2024 - 07.11.2024

Di­gitale In­fover­an­stal­tung für El­tern zum NRW-Tech­nikum

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03.04.2025 - 03.04.2025

Di­gitale In­fover­an­stal­tung für El­tern zum NRW-Tech­nikum

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07.04.2025 - 07.04.2025

On­line In­fover­an­stal­tung NR­WTal­ente

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29.04.2025 - 29.04.2025

On­line In­fover­an­stal­tung NR­WTal­ente

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26.06.2025 - 26.06.2025

Langer Abend der Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung

Read more
More events

Sup­port­ing young people who are mo­tiv­ated to achieve

Paderborn University is actively committed to supporting young people who are motivated to achieve. We support students on their path through life while they are still at school and long before they decide on a vocational or academic programme.

We help them to recognise their own strengths and potential, develop personal visions, promote individual skills, discover career opportunities and turn dreams into reality.

Studying before the Abitur

Our "Study before the Abitur" programme is aimed at particularly talented pupils (primarily in grades 9 to 13) who would like to study a scientific field beyond the school curriculum.

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NRWTalente school scholarship programme - OWL region

The student scholarship programme supports performance-oriented students from the 8th grade onwards from all types of schools in the OWL region in their career and study choices. We provide support through personal advice, a comprehensive educational programme and a wide range of benefits in kind.

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Look UPB

The talent scouts at the universities in Ostwestfalen-Lippe advise and support talented, motivated and performance-orientated upper secondary school pupils who are the first in their family to consider studying.

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NRW Technical Centre

The project is aimed at young women* with a (technical) high school diploma who can try out whether STEM actually matches their skills and preferences within the 6-month programme consisting of a taster course and a company internship.

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SummerCamp Physics

At the SummerCamp Physics, students can spend four days gaining an insight into studying physics as well as research and career prospects after studying physics. The SommerCamp always takes place at the beginning of the summer holidays in NRW, but is open to participants from all over Germany.

Learn more

Con­tact us

Do you still have questions or would you like to make an appointment for a counselling session? The Central Student Advisory Service will be happy to provide you with further information: