
If you want to study, you should find out in advance what the costs of your studies will be. In the following you will find an overview of factors that may influence the costs of studying at Paderborn University and of options for financing your studies.

What does it cost to study?

Semester fees:

The semester fees are a compulsory amount that must be paid as part of the enrolment or subsequently as part of the semester-wise re-registration. You can find a breakdown of the current semester fees on the pages of the Student Secretariat.

Health insurance:

Health insurance is the only compulsory insurance for students. Until the end of their 25th year, students are still insured with their parents (but possibly longer, e.g. via a working spouse). As a rule, from the age of 25 (up to the age of 30 or up to the 14th semester), contributions must be paid into a (statutory or private) student health insurance policy; an extension may be possible. Many insurance companies offer special rates for students, which then also include nursing care insurance. You can find out about the monthly costs of student health insurance from your health insurance company.

Living costs:

Since students have to adjust to different costs, the cost of living can vary greatly from person to person. Rent, food, clothing, leisure activities and teaching materials are usually the biggest cost factors. Costs can vary greatly depending on the location of the university.


The procurement of teaching materials can also incur very different costs, depending on the degree programme. A good selection of textbooks is generally available in the library at Paderborn University, but it is often sensible or necessary to buy some textbooks yourself. In addition, students may also have to factor in costs for participation in excursions or special "work material" (e.g. lab coats, sports equipment, sports clothing). Furthermore, GEZ fees should also be included in the calculation. GEZ fees are only waived for students who receive BAf?G.

Over­view of the av­er­age cost­s*

Housing costs




Car and/or public transport




Internet, telephone, post, etc.


Health insurance, medicines, doctor


Leisure, sport, culture


Learning material


Total costs



* The figures are nationwide averages from the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union in 2021 for students who do not live with their parents or guardians and are enrolled in a first degree programme at a state university. A new survey is planned for 2023.

How do I fin­ance my stud­ies?

BAf?G, scholarships, student loans and part-time jobs (in addition to support from parents) are among the most common ways to finance studies. Information on the different types of student financing can be found on the following pages:

Geld zwischen B¨¹chern.

Schol­ar­ship pro­grammes

Foyer am Langen Abend der Studienberatung.

Stu­dent loan

Blick auf den Dom von der Universit?t Paderborn.

Hous­ing be­ne­fit

Campusf¨¹hrung der Universit?t Paderborn.

In­form­a­tion on ad­di­tion­al in­come for child be­ne­fit & health in­sur­ance

Be­r­a­tung­sange­bot vom Stud­i­er­enden­werk

Du hast den ?berblick verloren und brauchst Unterst¨¹tzung, um die richtige Studienfinanzierung f¨¹r dich zu finden? Die individuelle Beratung vom Studierendenwerk unterst¨¹tzt dich dabei, Informationen zu den verschiedenen Finanzierungsm?glichkeiten zu sammeln und individuelle L?sungen f¨¹r dich zu finden.

Zur Beratung

Con­tact us

Are all your questions still unanswered? Then the Central Student Advisory Service will be happy to provide you with further information: