Shuang Wu

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Team Werkstoffe und Prozesse
Mitglied - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
ILH Beauftragte der Fachgruppe Leichtbau im Automobil
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn


Aktuelle Publikationen

Characterization of Interfacial Corrosion Behavior of Hybrid Laminate EN AW-6082 ∪ CFRP

A. Delp, S. Wu, J. Freund, R. Scholz, M. L?bbecke, T. Tr?ster, J. Haubrich, F. Walther, Materials 17 (2024).

Intrinsic forming of hybrid parts made of laser-structured aluminium sheet and CFRP-Prepreg

S. Wu, J. Freund, A. Delp, J. Haubrich, M. L?bbecke, F. Walther, T. Tr?ster, in: 2023.

Transferability of the Structure–Property Relationships from Laser-Pretreated Metal–Polymer Joints to Aluminum–CFRP Hybrid Joints

J. Freund, I. Lützenkirchen, M. L?bbecke, A. Delp, F. Walther, S. Wu, T. Tr?ster, J. Haubrich, Journal of Composites Science 7 (2023).

Adhesion properties of the hybrid system made of laser-structured aluminium EN AW 6082 and CFRP by co-bonding-pressing process

S. Wu, A. Delp, J. Freund, F. Walther, J. Haubrich, M. L?bbecke, T. Tr?ster, The Journal of Adhesion (2023) 1–29.

Relationship between laser-generated micro- and nanostructures and the long-term stability of bonded epoxy-aluminum joints

J. Freund, M. L?bbecke, A. Delp, F. Walther, S. Wu, T. Tr?ster, J. Haubrich, The Journal of Adhesion (2023) 1–31.

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