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Aktuelle Vortr?ge & Tagungsorganisation


with Prof. Regina Schober (Mannheim): "All That Is Solid Melts Into Data: Property and Ownership in the Digital Age," Annual Meeting of the German Association of American Studies (DGfA), Rostock University, June 1-3, 2023.

with Nicolas Henckes (Paris), Despo Kritsotaki (Paris), Chantal Marazia (Düsseldorf), and Matthew Smith (Glasgow): "Health Sciences and the Social: Health and Social Mobilization, 1950-2020s," Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris), May 19, 2023.

Invited Talks & Conference Papers:

"Fun Home, the Bechdel Test, and the Social Imagination of the Graphic Memoir" Department of English and American Studies, FAU Erlangen, July 13, 2023.

"Situated Reading: Digital Humanities als kritische Kulturwissenschaft," Lecture Series "Digital Humanities im Gespr?ch, Dahlem Humanities Center, Free University (FU) Berlin, June 1, 2023.

"Das Menschenbild des zeitgen?ssischen Automatisierungsdiskurses in der spekulativen Literatur und politischen ?konomie," Lecture Series "Mensch-Maschine," Paderborn University, May 24, 2023.

"Antipsychiatry in Global Perspective: Reimagining the 'Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation'," 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 "Health Sciences and the Social: Health and Social Mobilization, 1950-2020s,""Health Sciences and the Social: Health and Social Mobilization, 1950-2020s," May 19, 2023.


2017: Exhibition “Floating Utopias”, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK) Berlin & ArtsScience Museum Singapore (Funding Institution: Lotto Stiftung Berlin) 50.000 Euros 

2015: eHumanities Early-Career Research Group, German Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF), with Jochen Laubrock (Potsdam) 5 Full-Time Positions, Success Rate: 7,6 % 1.814.000 Euros                          

2014: Preliminary Phase of eHumanities Early-Career Research Group (BMBF) 94.600 Euros

2009: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Postgraduate Conference Funding 2500 British Pounds


Alexander Dunst holds an MPhil in English and American Studies from Vienna University and a PhD in Critical Theory from the University of Nottingham and was a prize-winning poet and political journalist for Profil, Austria's major news magazine, before entering academia. From 2011 to 2013, he taught at the University of Potsdam and has also been a visiting research professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a guest professor at Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg, and a DAAD lecturer at the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) in Hyderabad, India. His research and teaching focus on twentieth-century cultural history, the digital humanities, and contemporary US fiction. He has published in journals such as Modern Fiction Studies, New Formations, and Parallax, and is the author of Madness in Cold War America (Routledge, 2016 & 2018) and The Rise of the Graphic Novel: Computational Criticism and the Evolution of Literary Value (Cambridge University Press, 2023). In addition, he has co-edited two volumes of essays, The World According to Philip K. Dick (Palgrave, 2015) and Empirical Comics Research (Routledge, 2018 & 2020), as well special issues on Digital Scholarship in American Studies for the journal Amerikastudien and Collective Subjects and Political Transformation in the journal Subjectivity. In the academic year 2023/24, he will join the "Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare" at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, as a visiting research fellow.

Laufende Forschungsprojekte & Kooperationen

  • The “Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation” and the Global Sixties: Book Project and Public-Facing Digital Archive

  • Critical Habitations: On the Here and Now of Cultural Studies: Academic Blog Platform and 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 Series, in collaboration with Prof. Elahe Haschemi-Yekani (Berlin), Prof. Anja Schwarz (Potsdam), and Prof. Gudrun Rath (Linz). See https://crithab.hypotheses.org

Universit?re Lehre (seit 2013)

Remembering the AIDS Crisis (MA Seminar)

North American Cultural Studies (MA Lecture)

African American Theater (MA Seminar)

Hollywood Cinema (MA Seminar)

The Graphic Novel (BA Seminar)

Literature and its Institutions in the Digital Age (MA Seminar)

Queering the Western (BA Seminar)

Working-Class Literature in the United States (MA Seminar)

Animation Film & Television (BA Seminar)

A History of Hollywood Cinema (VO)

African-American Poetry (MA Seminar)

Digital Humanities: Eine Einführung (VO)

Forschungskolloquium Digital Humanities (MA)

Projektmanagement in den Digital Humanities (MA Seminar)

Comics als Daten (?bung)

Computing Class in the English and American Novel (MA Seminar)

The Digital Archive (BA Seminar)

How We Read Now: From Close to Computational Reading (MA Seminar)

Documentary Cinema (BA Seminar)

New York Fiction around 1900 (MA Seminar)

Digital Literary Studies (BA Seminar)

The Graphic Novel (BA Seminar)

Black Radicalism (MA Seminar)

Digitale Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaft (RVL)

Digital Melville (BA Seminar)

The Psychopolitics of Cold War Literature (BA Seminar)

Digital Approaches to Comics (BA Seminar)

Empire of Romance: The Fictions of Nathaniel Hawthorne  (MA Seminar)

Hollywood Cinema: An Introduction (BA Seminar)

Research Methods: Film & Television (BA Seminar)