- E-Mail:
- michael.winkler@math.upb.de
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- +49 5251 60-2612
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365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 Str. 100
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Aktuelle Publikationen
A model for heat generation by acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials: Global large-data solutions
L. Claes, J. Lankeit, M. Winkler, A Model for Heat Generation by Acoustic Waves in Piezoelectric Materials: Global Large-Data Solutions, Cornell University, 2024.
L∞ blow-up in the Jordan-Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation
V. Nikoli?, M. Winkler, Nonlinear Analysis 247 (2024).
Stabilization of arbitrary structures in a doubly degenerate reaction-diffusion system modeling bacterial motion on a nutrient-poor agar.
M. Winkler, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022).
Chemotaxis-Stokes interaction with very weak diffusion enhancement: Blow-up exclusion via detection of absorption-induced entropy structures involving multiplicative couplings.
M. Winkler, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 22 (2022) 88–117.
Small-signal solutions of a two-dimensional doubly degenerate taxis system modeling bacterial motion in a nutrient-poor environments.
M. Winkler, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 63 (2022).
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Laufende Lehrveranstaltungen
- Seminar
- Oberseminar "Nichtlineare Analysis"
- Mathematik 1 für Maschinenbauer
- Hilbertraummethoden