Paderborn To Go: Augmented Reality App für eine visualisierte Form der Geschichtsvermittlung
Die 3D-Rekonstruktion eines europ?ischen Pionierwerkes, des Paderborner Ozonwasserwerks, kann mit der Paderborn To Go App via Augmented Reality auf dem ehemaligen Standort an der B?rnepader platziert und vollumf?nglich betrachtet werden. Neben dem Ozonwasserwerk wurden weitere Medien auf Broschüren und Flyer, die im Zuge des Bewerbungsverfahrens ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funded by: Paderborn überzeugt. e. V., Freunde der Pader e. V.
Atmosph?rische Rekonstruktion des Paderquellgebiets in Virtual Reality
Das u. a. für die Ausstellung "Panta Rhei" (Aug. 2023 – Jan. 2024) entwickelte Virtual-Reality-Panorama vermittelt unterschiedliche historische Nutzungsweisen des Paderwassers. Diese immersive VR-Panoramaerfahrung erm?glicht es den Ausstellungsbesuchern, die Situation des Paderquellgebiets um 1920 vom "B?rnesteig" aus zu erforschen. Die ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funded by: Freunde der Pader e. V.
Das innerst?dtische Mühlenquartier in Paderborn von 1400 bis 1803
Bereits im Mittelalter entstand an der Pader ein au?ergew?hnliches Mühlenquartier, das sowohl in seiner diversen technischen Wasserkraftnutzung als auch aufgrund seiner innerst?dtischen Wasserraddichte im europ?ischen Vergleich hervorstach. Die Orte und die technische Funktionsweise der einzelnen Mühlen werden in einem Video durch historische ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funded by: MHKBD NRW, Freunde der Pader e. V.
3D-Rekonstruktion des Ozonwasserwerkes an der B?rnepader
Von 1902 bis 1937 stand in Paderborn ein unscheinbares Fabrikgeb?ude am Flussarm B?rnepader, das ein bahnbrechendes Ozonwasserwerk beherbergte. Dieses Werk, erprobt von Ingenieuren der 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网mens & Halske AG, setzte erstmals elektrisch generiertes Ozon zur Entkeimung von Trinkwasser ein, was bei Fachleuten europaweit Interesse fand. Es trug ma?geblich ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funded by: Stadtwerke Paderborn
Musicological Markup with the mei-friend Editor
As the only music encoding format, MEI natively supports not only various types of notation, but also fine-grained cross-references?both within a document and to other digital objects?as well as complex transcription-related and editorial markup. At the same time, there is a great need for suitable tools that are graphically oriented and enable ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2023
Funded by: NFDI4Culture
Change Your Perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia
The ERASMUS+ project 'Change your perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia' is located in the field of school education. It focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of a curriculum as well as face-to-face and online courses for dealing with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a pronounced impairment of mathematical thinking or calculation skills. The ...
Duration: 12/2022 - 12/2024
Funded by: EU
Learn STEM - Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools
The ERASMUS+ project Learn STEM - Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools focuses on designing, testing and evaluating an innovative approach to teaching STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics). Sometimes the 'A' in STEAM stands for arts (arts), which are then also taken into account.The project will run for 24 months ...
Duration: 12/2022 - 12/2024
Funded by: EU
iQBuddy - Intelligent model recommendation system
In view of current developments in the field of digitalization and sustainability, new and demanding challenges arise for the development of Intelligent Technical Systems (ITS). The shift towards a more digitized and sustainable world leads to changing boundary conditions and stakeholders. These shifts necessitate increased interdisciplinary ...
Duration: 12/2022 - 10/2023
Funded by: it’s OWL
Denominational sensitivity to differences in the school subject ?Religionsunterricht für alle' (RUfa) in Hamburg. Empirical studies on professional and teaching research
Religious education in public schools is increasingly confronted with social conditions in which it no longer encounters a denominationally and religiously homogeneous, but rather a secular and religiously pluralistic student body. New models of religious education are therefore being designed and tested; one of these is the so-called ...
Duration: 12/2022 - 11/2025
Funded by: Erzbistum Hamburg
CRC 901 - Online Reviews on B2B Platforms for Software Products (Transfer project T4)
The proposed transfer project T4 builds on the results of basic research carried out under the subproject A4 "Empirical analyses in markets for OTF services" at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 901, "On-The-Fly Computing". Online reviews, specifically understanding drivers and economic effects of reviews, and design decisions for review ...
Duration: 11/2022 - 11/2024
Funded by: DFG