EKI-App: Energy-efficient artificial intelligence in the data center by approximating deep neural networks for field-programmable gate arrays
The goal of the project is to increase the energy efficiency of AI systems for DNN inference by approximation methods and mapping on high-performance FPGAs. By adapting, further developing and providing a software tool chain based on the open source tool FINN for the automated, optimized and hardware-adapted implementation of DNNs on FPGAs and ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025
Funded by: BMUV
Understanding and optimizing triplet exciton transfer at organic-inorganic interfaces: Microscopic calculations
Photovoltaics play an important role for the provision of clean and renewable energy. Presently, silicon solar cells dominate the market. However, they have a serious efficiency limitation: The photon energy in excess of the silicon band gap is transformed into unwanted heat. Singlet exciton fission, in which two triplet excitons are generated from ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2027
Funded by: DFG
Physics of periodic and quasi-periodic polariton systems
Light-matter interaction has attracted a great deal of attention in modern physics and material sciences. Many unique and unconventional properties have been reported on the journey to the efficient control of light (or photons). A light-matter coupled state of particular current interest is the exciton-polariton, a quasiparticle composed of a ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026
Funded by: DFG
TRR 358 - Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume (B02)
Spectral theory is a fundamental tool for the investigation of locally symmetric spaces which, in the classical context, usually have finite volume. Already for spaces real rank one, say quotients of the upper half plane by a discrete group of infinite covolume, very interesting and characteristic spectral phenomena happen. The case of higher rank ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026
Funded by: DFG
TRR 358 - Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings (B04)
Affine buildings and their quotients are geometric objects which come along with interesting dynamical systems. This project studies geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on such buildings. More precisely, the project aims to develop a spectral theory of joint Ruelle-Taylor resonances for the Weyl chamber flows and study equidistribution properties ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026
Funded by: DFG
Near-field coupled nonlocal optical metasurface for versatile polarization and bandstructure manipulations
Recent advances in the modern nanotechnology gave birth to ‘thin-flat-optics’ elements (the so-called optical metasurfaces), based on nanoscale structures, capable of versatile tailoring on the responses to light such as wave-fronts, amplitudes, polarization, and frequency. Despite the extremely reduced dimensions of the ‘flat-optics’ elements, the ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026
Funded by: DFG
Das Verbundprojekt ?Move4Health“ befasst sich mit drei Themenschwerpunkten:(1) Psycho-Soziale Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen und das Potential von Bewegung, Spiel und Sport(2) Der Sportverein als attraktive Lebenswelt im Aufwachsen von Kindern und Jugendlichen(3) Qualitative Tiefenstudien: Schwerpunkt Ganztag, Schwerpunkt Kinder- und ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2023
Funded by: BMFSJ
In the KatHelfer project, a broad-based consortium of users, industry partners and research institutes has come together to integrate existing approaches for coordinating spontaneous helpers into an overall socio-technical solution.
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funded by: BMBF
Steigerung der Wandlungsf?higkeit industrieller Dienstleistungssysteme durch Workarounds (Change.WorkAROUND)Wandlungsf?higkeit ist die Eigenschaft eines Unternehmens, Ver?nderungen, die ein ursprünglich planbares oder vorhersehbares Ausma? überschreiten, rechtzeitig wahrzunehmen und technisch wie auch organisatorisch zu beherrschen. Zum Auf- und ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025
Funded by: BMBF
Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider, Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen