International research funding

Cooperation in research projects across national borders is an important aspect of successful research and a basic prerequisite for the contribution that research projects can make to solving the major social challenges of our time. International cooperation in research projects is supported by various funding sources.

In­ter­na­tion­al fund­ing bod­ies and fund­ing pro­grammes

Ho­ri­zon Europe

With the Research Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the European Commission funds projects ranging from basic research to market launch - both open-topic and within the framework of thematic clusters and missions.

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Symbolbild: Europakarte mit Pinnadeln, die mit F?den miteinander verbunden sind.

Era-Nets & transna­tion­al fund­ing

Following on from the European Commission's Research Framework Programme, national funding bodies from different countries join forces to jointly fund research projects. A joint application is submitted at European level - each partner then receives funding from a funding organisation in their own country.

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The Eurostars funding programme supports innovative SMEs. In co-operation with a German SME, German research institutions can also participate in such particularly application-oriented projects.

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The European education programme Erasmus+ also offers opportunities for European cooperation, e.g. as part of the Cooperation Partnerships, but also in the Jean Monnet Actions. The focus here is on cooperation in education.

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Symbolbild: Globus mit Flugzeugen

DAAD: Re­search stays abroad

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers various funding programmes for research stays abroad.

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Symbolbild: Spielfiguren, die durch Linien verbunden sind

DFG fund­ing for the es­tab­lish­ment of in­ter­na­tion­al col­lab­or­a­tions

DFG funding can also be used to establish international collaborations. In addition, the DFG offers bilateral funding opportunities in cooperation with international funding organisations.

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In addition to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, other foundations also offer opportunities for international cooperation.

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On­go­ing in­ter­na­tion­al pro­jects at UPB

A large number of different research projects with an international focus are already underway at UPB. Overviews of the projects of specific funding programmes can be found on the following pages: