European R&I part­ner­ships (transna­tion­al fund­ing)

The European R&I Partnerships offer attractive funding opportunities for collaborative projects, some of which are organised according to different participation rules than Horizon Europe. As a rule, they are concluded when the objectives of Horizon Europe can be achieved more effectively than through other measures of the Framework Programme. Their activities are intended to complement other regional, national and European initiatives. Approximately 25% of the total Horizon Europe budget is earmarked for partnerships.

So far, 49 partnership proposals have been published in Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2024, with 10 more planned for the period 2025-2027. You can find out more about the existing partnerships, the candidates and their respective contact details here.

Most of the partnerships have emerged from predecessor initiatives and can therefore be categorised under the three different partnership types in Horizon Europe: Co-programmed, Co-funded and Institutionalised European Partnerships.

Here you can find more information on the different types of partnerships and the different call conditions of each partnership type.

Photon­ics - European Part­ner­ship for Photon­ics (Co-pro­grammed)

Photonics aims to give Europe a leading role in the development and use of photonics technologies in various application areas such as ICT, lighting, industrial manufacturing, life sciences, security, education and training.

AI-Data-Ro­bot­ics - European Part­ner­ship on Ar­tific­al In­tel­li­gence, Data and Ro­bot­ics (Co-pro­grammed)

The Partnership for AI, Data and Robotics (ADR) brings together industry, academia and the European Commission to pursue innovative solutions on a large scale. The aim is to strengthen European competitiveness and technological sovereignty and to create jobs and growth.

CHANSE - Col­lab­or­a­tion of Hu­man­it­ies And So­cial Sci­ences in Europe (ERA-NET Co­fund from H2020)

The aim of the CHANSE initiative is to promote transnational collaborative projects on the topic of "social and cultural dynamics in the digital age". This should lead to a better understanding of how digital innovations lead to social and cultural changes and are also influenced by society and culture.

Clean Hy­dro­gen - European Part­ner­ship on Clean Hy­dro­gen (In­sti­tu­tion­al­ised)

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership contributes to the European goal of climate neutrality. The aim is to (further) develop hydrogen technologies that are currently uncompetitive or not yet fully developed, but which can contribute to achieving the energy and climate targets for 2030.

P4­Plan­et - Trans­form­ing the European Pro­cess In­dustry for a sus­tain­able so­ci­ety (Co-pro­grammed)

The Processes4Planet (P4Planet) partnership aims to transform the European process industries to achieve a circular economy and climate neutrality at EU level by 2050, while improving their global competitiveness.

Clean Avi­ation - Clean Avi­ation Joint Un­der­tak­ing (In­sti­tu­tion­al­ised)

The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the European Union's leading research and innovation programme to transform aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future.

CBE - European Part­ner­ship for a Cir­cu­lar bio-based Europe (In­sti­tu­tion­al­ised)

The main objectives of this partnership are to accelerate the innovation process and the development of innovative bio-based solutions, to speed up the market launch of existing bio-based solutions and to ensure a high level of environmental sustainability of bio-based industrial systems

CETP - Clean En­ergy Trans­ition Part­ner­ship (Co-fun­ded)

The CET Partnership is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation programmes in the European Member States and associated countries aimed at promoting and accelerating the energy transition and supporting the implementation of the SET Plan

Chips JU (formerly KDT JU) - European Part­ner­ship for Key Di­git­al Tech­no­lo­gies (In­sti­tu­tion­al­ised)

The overarching goal of the Chips Joint Undertaking is to support the digital transformation of all economic and social fields and the European Green Deal, as well as to promote research and innovation with regard to the next generation of microprocessors.

Service of the Research Unit

Our service for your application includes

  • Research into suitable funding opportunities for your project
  • Advice on the suitability of the project for the selected funding line
  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your proposal from a non-specialist perspective
  • Feedback with regard to suitability and consistency with the requirements of the funding body
  • Advice on financial planning
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues

Con­tact per­sons

Jutta Deppe

Answers your questions during the application process for all programme areas of R&I partnerships

Dr Kath­ar­ina K?nig

Answers your questions during the application process for all programme areas of R&I partnerships

Christina Nolte

Answers your questions about concluding a consortium agreement.

Grants and Ex­tern­al Fund­ing

If you have any questions about third-party funding that has already been approved, please get in touch with the contact persons in grants and external funding (Department 2.3).